Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Oh Wait, One More
I'll share the class with ( as I know so far ) Boon Kuan, Claudia and Jun Yee ( we've always been in the same class since Year 5 - kinda odd ). Yeah, that's pretty good, considering "Balau" was the class I wanted all along ( not too nerdy, not too stupid - haha ) and with the friends I have there, it could've been a whole lot worse. So yeah, I guess I'm kinda relieved. Well, at least one thing'll go right.
Now, the horror. Form 2. Form 2. Oh dear sweet mercy. Oh, man. I mean like seriously! O.K. I mean, the textbooks, they're ridiculously heavy. And like, what the hell's up with those green notebooks? and uhmmm... deranged teachers! And uh I don't wanna go back to school!! No!!! Eh. Sigh. Oh well. I mean, this still could've gone a whole lot worse. I could be in Tropicana School right now ( and would be, if I didn't make an appeal ) and not really know anyone at all.
At least I know that if I'll be suffering, a minimum of three people that I know well will be suffering right alongside me. Yay. Anyways, on New Year's Eve, today, I'm gonna be - wait for it - going to a cybercafe. Yeah okay, but at least Shaun and Brandon'll be there, and I'll see it through that Brandon gets his ass overtly handed to him in Company of Heroes.
So I guess this really will be the last post of the year. For DJ students, I gues I'll see you next year for an entirely new chapter of pain. Oh yeah, and have a Happy New Year.
Monday, December 29, 2008
And a Happy New Year
At least then they'll have a higher chance of being met. Although now, I won't have to put up with a lousy pencil box anymore, I got a Wild Channel pencil box ( and a Body Glove schoolbag - woot! ) for Christmas. Yeah so, you'd think I'd have a lot to say on the Eve of the Eve of the New Year, but my usually filled-to-bursting-with-stupid-ideas mind is strangely empty on this day.
Hmmm... So let's look at what I did yesterday. I went to The Curve, oblivious that it was a public holiday ( did you know? ) and had to face the nightmare of parking on a public holiday right between Christmas and New Year's. Suffice to say, it wasn't easy. Oh yeah, and at 1.00 am, I finally got to watch the World War II movie Saving Private Ryan. I'd waited a long time for it ( like , six months ) and it was worth every blood splatter.
Well, yeah, that's all I really have to say for now. As far as I know, we're not doing anything spectacular on the big day, and this could very well be the last post for the year. Wow, Andrew actually made a blog, and it's lasting through the New Year? Yeah I'm surprised too.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Belated Christmas
Anyways, yesterday night my family and I went out for dinner. We wanted to go to 1 Utama to eat at Nando's as I said earlier, but about half of Malaysia decided to park there, so we went to the considerably less packed Giant store thingy at Kota Damansara ( Malaysia has the weirdest names for everything. ) We had Mexican food, which was pretty good, since I emptied about half a bottle of Tobasco sauce ( best sauce in the world, after Nando's ) onto my quesadillas ( hot! ).
All in all, a pretty good, though slightly-more-ordinary-than-I-expected Christmas. All we did was pretty much open the presents ( although that was quite good in itself - Spore! ) have a normal ( albeit slightly burnt ) lunch at home, go to Giant ( not exactly the must-go shopping mall this holiday season ) and then wish everyone a ridiculously Merry Christmas over MSN ( writing out "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" as large as you possibly can using the writing tool on MSN never gets old).
Yeah, but I guess almost anything we could have done would be slightly more ordinary than I expected, because I did expect quite a bit. Anyways, hope you had as much of a Merry Christmas as I did ( or more ), and, uh, Happy Boxing Day?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas, For Real
Firstly, we have the presents. Mmm, presents. I got ( from my two sisters ) a copy of Spore, a computer game, a book, t-shirts, a Wild Channel pencilbox, and a whole lot of chocolate, among other things. Also, on this most amazingly jolly of days, for the first time, I've been able to access the supermagical interwebs ( man, I love that word ), A.K.A., the Internet from my new house, which all this while has been devoid fo such wonders. Ah, yes.
Sadly though, this shall be but a temporary joy, because the wireless modem belongs to my sister's friend. Santa, I want the interwebs!!! Anyways, later we shall proceed merrily to 1 Utama for a nice family dinner ( unlike our lunch, which was quite burnt ) at Nando's, my favourite little restaurant in the world. Behind Chili's, ( is that how it's spelt? ) anyway.
This is all shaping up nicely. And, if everything goes absolutely, positively according to plan, I'll have one last get-together with Brandon, and hopefully others before being utterly consumed by the many-tendriled, homework-producing monster of Form 2. Oh no, Form 2! Oh man, the horror, the humanity! The holidays, over, so quickly!? But how? Where did it all go? Why am I asking so many questions?
Well, I guess I'll have to deal with it for now, probably with some sort of high-powered superweapon. By the way, we also made a really cute looking gingerbread house ( how cool is that? ). I'd upload pics, but I've sworn to make this blog as bland and boring as possible. Oh well. As for the day itself though, I haven't done much, besides the opening of presents, it's been a pretty ordinary day. But the spirit is there, which is what really matters, and I'm super-hyped to play Spore.
Anyways, I guess that's all I've to say right now, if you're reading this, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
P.S. Merry Christmas to Alycia. There, no more stangulations. ( wipes sweat off forehead ).
P.P.S. Merry Christmas to The World.
P.P.P.S. I know that's the third ( or was it fourth? ) time I've said that.
P.P.P.P.S. And a Happy New Year.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Merry Christmas
Who all died mysteriously at a firing range. Which I was not at, and I did not paint bulls-eyes on them. Yes. Alright. But really, this whole thingamajiggy is giving me mixed emotions. GY Camp '08 was great ( gotta go for '09 - and I invite all humanity to go with me - although this message will probably reach around two or three people ) and I'm trying to enjoy the merriest day of the year, but all this school stuff is making it an ever-so-slightly bitter affair.
I mean, why? Why I tells ya? Well, I guess complaining won't change anything ( unless I complain enough to cause mind-control side-effects ) so I'll keep off that subject for now. On a lighter note, I made a bet with a friend, the details of which I am not at liberty to disclose. Just know that's between me and Shaun, that it's for one Ringgit ( although the real purpose is to make a point ) and know that once Shaun loses, I'd have made a very good point.
P.S. Brandon, I still haven't forgotten about our 5,000 Ringgit asteroid deal. 2014 is the year I buy a new computer.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
GY Camp '08
It would be ridiculous to describe all the events that took place, but the basic thing is you're split into groups, each group has a cute little nametag, and you work together in games ( such as the Hydrowar, which took place in the freezing cold, not somewhere you want to be when you're soaking wet ).
Met a lot of new friends, ( who, almost like clockwork, commented on my "accent" ) saw some old ones ( Benjamin, Timothy, Jared ) and had some cup noodles ( wee! ). But one of the highlighhts of the camp was going outside on the last night at 12.30am. It was amazing. And amazingly cold. I was constantly bombarded by ice-cold ( methinks 16-21 degrees ) winds, but that didn't stop me from spending a good 45 minutes there.
In a post I made quite a while back ( Look at the Stars ) I said that global warming was gonna mess everything up beyond recognition. But Genting Highlands is one of the last places in Malaysia where you can actually look up and see the stars. Hundreds of 'em. We also saw the lights of KL, and, incredibly, we saw race cars drifting around the corners down below. Oh yes.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Company of Heroes
I also have just recently purchased Company of Heroes. It's a World War II real-time strategy game that- wait, come back! There's one important difference between Company of Heroes and the tonnes of other repetitive RTS games you may have played recently. It's bloody freaking awesome. Especially with freinds. Oh yes. The satisfaction of wiping out eighteen enemy soldiers ( Shaun's ) with a single hand grenade is almost unparralleled in the RTS world.
Well, maybe running over enemy troops with an incredible Jagdpanther German tank destroyer would beat it. Or perhaps a direct hit by a remote controlled bomb that wipes out an entire enemy army. Oh yeah. On top of that, the fun is multiplied when playing against freinds, because you know your every moment of glee is accompanied by despair in others. Man, I'm getting nervous just thinking about it. My inner gamer calls. Till next time.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Some Explaining to Do
One would be me sending the computer to a computer fixing-ish place to get it to stop bluscreening whenever I freaking tried to run a game. Thankfully, that got fixed but right when I got the computer back the internet died. After a further uhhh... more days than I care to remember, it finally got fixed today, the problem being caused by inserting the wrong password. Sigh.
So, one might ask, what have I done these few holiday weeks, being free and all. Did I say, save the world, single-handedly create the solution to global warming or find a cure for cancer? Or even eat some ice-cream? No. Not as I recall anyway. Strangely, the lack of computer access has left my memory of this period sort of a blur.
Things I do remember, however include a delicious chocolate mousse dessert at Marche ( oh yes, oh yes please. ) along with a ridiculous amount of time spent in cybercafes ( I'm in one right now ). What I can't believe, however, is that the holidays are now already more than halfway over. Sighx10. Yeah well, Merry Christmas Happy New Year and uh, Happy Hanukkah?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Team Fortress 2
Just one thing, one little niggling problem is stopping me from realizing this wonderful little fantasy. My astoundingly unstable computer that crashes at the very hint of me trying to launch a game. It's a special kind of torture, because I know that if I crash the computer enough times, I'll be able to play. The worst part is I don't know how many times I'll have to crash and restart it before it finally works. I could get lucky and it would work on the first try.
Other times, everything goes horribly wrong and it crashes fifteen times but still refuses to work. Which sucks. Really, really bad. The good news, however, is that tomorrow, my dad will finally bring this forsaken computer to the computer repair shop. After four and a half months. Fingers crossed.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Status Report, v2.0
We also invited Lucas and Jia Min ( which makes my invite list identical to everyone that showed up to my birthday party. I did invite girls for my birthday, but all of them canceled. Conversely, every single boy invited came. Hmmm... ) but Lucas had to rely on Jia Min ( something that should never be done by the way,as he still owes me two bucks, yet denies it ) for transpot to 1 Utama, but Jia Min at the last freaking minute was left transport-less by somethingymabob.
Yeah oh well. Lucas has expressed interest in having another party, this time without said person that could not be relied on. Time for pointless statistics, then. During the Counter-Strike match, we started with Jun Yee and I versus Shaun and Brandon ( Mwahahahaha ). Needless to say, we beat them. Then, so they wouldn't cry ( Mwahahahahaha ), we started a new match, this time all four of us against sixteen bots. We won again, but what really matters are the final kill tallies. I led during the first round, but in the second the scores were:
Jun Yee - 141 ( because he kept KSing us with his Magnum Sniper Rifle ) Yours Truly - 136 ( only used Magnum once, by the way ) Shaun - not far behind, but I forgot the exact number ( never used Magnum like a good little boy and died the least among all of us ) and then Brandon, who got a sad little number somewhere along the lines of 75, and died the most. And there you have it. A "gathering". 'Til next time.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Orange Box
I did. Wee hee hee. Then, I played Half-Life 2 ( a part of The Orange Box ) and completed the entire thing in nine hours. Some of the best nine hours spent staring intently at a lighted box of my entire life. Then I played Team Fortress 2 ( also included in a certain box ), a multiplayer game this time, kinda like Soldier Front meets The Incredibles ( seriously, just check out the screenshots ) minus the suck. Another three hours down.
And then comes the frustration. Everything goes wrong. I mean, my computer always crashed, but usually, after one or two crashes it would work again. That time, when I wanted to continue my Team Fortress 2 antics, it crashed. And it crashed. And it crashed. About fifteen times in a row. I don't know about you, but I don't think that's normal. And just when things couldn't possibly get worse, in comes the infuriating internet connection problem.
So there, me sitting there, in front of the computer, trying to play a game meant crashing it, and the internet was inaccesible. And there I sat, for four hours, doing nothing but crashing it, hoping it would finally let up. It didn't. And now you know why I haven't posted. Thankfully now, my internet is back up and running ( as you can see ) and my dad finally made a call to the computer store about my games problem; the first progress we've made in four months.
Fingers crossed man. Oh yeah, and happy holidays, even though I haven't had much.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me?
If all goes to plan, ( it rarely does, but after the exams is the time of miracles, right? ) then tonight, when I go to 1 Utama, I'll finally get what I've been waiting for; a 150 ringgit original computer game ( the first I will ever buy.... legally ) called The Orange Box. It's actually more of an anthology of five loosely related ( but all really very good ) games, and has nothing to do with your citrus-y friends.
To you: yawn, the only games you've ever played are Counter-Strike, DotA, Runescape, Maple Story or something of the like; if you're a girl, none at all. But, in my nerdy world of nerdium, it's something for me to look forward to. That and us going to watch Quantum of Solace on Monday, followed promptly by a Counter-Strike marathon. Interactive and movie violence for the win!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Look at the Stars
No, the sun won't explode and the sky won't fall down, but the sky might be messed up with smoke and dust and shit so much so that you'll never see another sunset or never look at the stars again ( which is, technically, beginning to happen already; half the time the skies are so fogged up you can't even see the stars. And I bet sunsets would've looked even more purty in the past.) either due to pollution or due to the fact that because of pollution, all the crops are dying and you'll be on your deathbed. Ha.
I know I'm starting to sound like the last three chapters of your Geography textbook ( if you ever read them ) but I truly believe this is a problem ( which, I admit, I'm contributing to quite a bit ), mankind is the most powerful species in the world with computers ( yay ), nuclear bombs and whatnot, yet we're doing more than every other species combined to destroy it. And I think that's a bad thing.
P.S. Think of this as kind of a public service, and if you're reading this, you'll probably be the only one. My blog is kinda dying now these days.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The second thing I'd like to discuss is this Friday is Guy Fawkes Day ( or Guy Fawkes Night maybe ) and it's observation, or to put it more precisely, lack thereof. It is a day that is, quite ironically, forgotten by many, and not ever known by many more. Malaysia seems a country devoid of many holidays. Such include Easter and the recent Halloween season ( try to go trick-or-treating here and you'll probably get month-old nasi lemak. ) The only reason I ever knew about Guy Fawkes Day in the first place is because of V for Vendetta, a movie which if you haven't watched already you should absolutely try and watch now.
Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Once More Into The Breach
It is now Thursday, October 30th ( contrary to what it says on the top, mainly because Brandon forgot to set up the time zone properly ) which means I have just finished my Geography, KH and half of Mathefreakingmatics. Lets see, two and a half down, more than I care to remember to go. It went okay, not good, not bad, but okay. And now I lie in wait for Moral ( ask me if I give a shit ) and BM, Paper 2 ( yes, I do ).
But, through the seemingly insurmountable horribleness of it all, I will have to go through this, fight through this, and survive... only to do it all over again next year. That's life for ya. All the best.
P.S. The poll is drawing to an end and the results ( I'll handily ignore the "Maybe" and "Can you repeat the question?" votes ) are two in favour of killing and one in favour of life. If you for some reason want this blog to continue, then post otherwise.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Looking For Alaska?
I've never been one for good ( or even passable ) storytelling, so I'll refrain from blabbering more about it to the point where decide to stab me with a spork. What I must say, however, is that you should at least read some of this book, which I can, without much hesitation say is one of the best books I have ever read. Although I can't tell you that I've read a lot of books, trust me, it's really good.
Well I don't know. I have a long history of disagreeing with everyone, so whenever you next go to a bookshop ( if you ever stop playing DotA ) I suggest you find it, and at least read a few pages; if people can spend their time reading and re-reading Twilight then they sure as hell should be reading this. Other great works which I believe are underappreciated include V For Vendetta and Blood Diamond, but that's for another time.
P.S. Oh yeah, I'm having exams today...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A Most Dastardly Cube
I don't have a very good history with the Rubik's Cube. The first time I ever truly attempted to solve one was when I went to Shaun's house for tuition. I saw it, borrowed it, tried solving it for two weeks and then cried ( on the inside, anyway ). I don't know about you, but I don't particularly like torture, much less paying for it. But I did anyway.
It's time for me to face my fear. I've already completed one side, which I know is about as close to finishing it as none, but still, it's better than nothing ( right ?). Anyways, I'm determined to see this through to the end. Failure is not an option.*
By the way, I also felt like posting this:

More can be found at whiteninjacomics.com
*Failure may be an option.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Nothing to Do
The reason for this drop in productivity is not Live ( after some stuff happened it all got a little weird ) but it's those pencil-and-paper games where you take a pencil, draw some stuff, flick the pencil around, make pretend explosion noises with your mouth ( bchht! ) and draw blood absolutely everywhere.
So far, I count four separate games which use this formula. You've probably played at least one if you're reading this; unless you're a girl ( do girls even visit this blog? ) in which case you've probably played zero. Zero all productivity!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Deviant Art
That is of course, my Deviant Art page. Mwahahahaha. Contained within are more than a few comics ( hundreds ) all drawn in Microsoft Paint ( the most annoying drawing device known to man after using your own blood ) and all aproxiamately this .............. long. Yes, a complete waste of time, effort and virtual space ( as one user commented ) but it's also sprinkled with the occasional Flash animation.
Back during the days when I had waay too much time on my hands I spent a lot of it learning how to use Flash MX and making horrible flash animations ( now I spend my time making horrible blog posts ). If you want to, if anything, laugh at my voice acting for Nuclear War. The link to a house of horrors ( and boredom ) is - http://hungrydonaldschicken.deviantart.com/. Yes, that is Hungry Jacks, McDonalds and KFC put together. No, don't ask why.
Friday, October 10, 2008
The exam that I am currently focusing on is the one that you will be going through quite soon indeed: the Form 1 end-of-year exams. Pft. I don't care. Why should you? I mean, yes, education is very ( twitch ) important and blah blah blah vomit gag cough but these aren't even very important exams. I mean, getting a job and your university degree I can understand, but these are your end-of-year exams for Form 1.
It's end-of-year, not end-of-the-world and it's not like you'll die if you fail. What I'm trying to say to those of you who sweat so much about this every day is chill. Relax. I mean, can you really honestly tell me that when you look back at this twenty years on you'll remember this exam as being one of the important, pivotal events in your life? If you can, then I don't ( or don't want to ) know you.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
But I still hate it. Just like I hate sushi ( I don't really know why; probably because I was young and for some reason the smell made me want to throw up so I never really tried eating it again ). But yeah, I'm only going to have to study even more for what is mostly comprised of things that I probably wouldn't need at all were it not for the exams.
I don't go to school to get As, for fecks ( family-friendly f*ck! ) sake, I do it to learn the things that I need to learn. In that sense, Australian school wins hands-down.
P.S. Two people want me to repeat the question ( on the poll ), which makes me wonder why I put the bloody option there in the first place; the question is "Should I Kill This Blog???" you blind weirdos.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Daily Grind
It's not really like a "Hello! How are you?"; it's more of a "Hello! Why don't you get this stupid ( expletive ) thing over and done with before I go ( expletive ) insane and use a kitchen knife to stab everybody in the ( expletive ) school!" The reason I actually care is because currently, at the moment I do not have any tuition whatsoever. Which is nice. My antisocial mind deems it very nice indeed.
But if something goes wrong during the exams then I can look forward to ( dread ) many a tuition next year. Which is bad. My antisocial mind deems it very bad indeed. So I guess I'll actually have to study this year, unlike UPSR. Grind. The daily, hourly, minutely, secondly grind.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thankfully, he left my savegame intact, and I sorta picked up where I left off. In order to get money to complete the final assassination in the game, we decided to replay the same mission ad infinitium and ad naseum until we finally had one point five million ( in-game ) dollars. In the last hour of the game though, it seems the developers went absolutely batshit with the plot, turning it from strange to ludicrously nonsensical.
Besides that, I watched Heroes season three on Aaron's computer which unlike Lucas' unrivalled fanboyism, I thought was just OK. The last few hours at his house were spent in a less-than-healthy three hour Boxhead 2-Play marathon, a co-op game in which you have to defend yourself against wave after wave of mindless zombie attacks. With expert precision ( and to a certain extent, paranoia ) we constucted an elaborate system of mines and mazes walled with explosive barrels.
There were enough explosions to cause a seizure. You can play it for free here. I probably did a lot more stuff that I don't really remember now because of fatigue. Till next time, I guess?
P.S. My computer problem is still ongoing. If you want me to stop blogging, please contribute to the Fix Andrew's Computer Fund. Alternatively, you can vote.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
A Good Week
After some random crap-talking, we had about five hours of sleep followed promptly by a two hour Peggle marathon. After that, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about with Brandon's wrestling imitations ( which I bet all the chicks dig ) on Tuesdays. After a while, the matches sort of deteriorated into a competition to see who could sit on each other first. I won.
Better still, if all goes to plan, I'm going to go to Aaron's house tommorow to finish No More Heroes. It's been a good week.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Can't Spell Live Without Evil
The goal of RPG was almost always to escape from somewhere. It was a puzzle game, where you had to think your way out, and if you didn't do it the way I intended ( because I was the game master, ruler of ALL ) then you would die. Wee. From there it turned into "President Evil" an expansion of that idea. I have absolutely no idea what that was about. I even forgot it existed until Brandon reminded me about it.
But nevermind that. From there it turned into Live. Every player has a starting point, and everyone has the same goal in order to win - you must destroy the world, and at the same time ensure you are the sole survivor. You know, just like real life. But the best part of the game is you can do anything, if you can turn it into words and vomit it out, you can do it in-game, if you beat me enough in scissors-paper-stone.
In abscence of dice, what else could we have done? The rules ( the only rules ) are like this: if you want to do something easy ( like eat a cake ) you might have to win once, or not at all. If you want to do something harder ( like eat a live human being ) you might have to win two or three times, depending on how experienced you are in the field of cannibalism. Live has been a catalyst for madness ( like bribery for a stupid game ) and insanity.
Some of my best ( and wrongest ) memories of year six were spent playing Live. The reason I'm posting this is because I've recently started playing again and it's every bit as fun, every bit as wrong as before. This may sound a little braggy, but I've yet to find someone who's played the game and genuinely hated it. If you have, I'll slap myself. If you lie about it, then I'll slap you. To death.
P.S. Hasbro, please don't sue me.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
My Situation
You might seem to recall in a previous post rejoicing because of the fact that I said a new video game I had just obtained would hinder my abilities to post. You've probably stopped by now. Tough luck. The reason I'm not playing it right now is not because of the game. The game is great. It is one of the best games I've played all year.
The problem is starting it. That problem with my computer that I mentioned in that post you didn't read ( ie, all of them ) whereby I cannot so much as click on a game icon without my computer passing out still isn't fixed. How do I play at all then? I have to start and restart my computer time and time again until it realises that I'm not going to give up.
This process takes me anywhere between five and twenty-five minutes. It's been like this for a month now ( though it feels like an eternity ) and the reason it hasn't been fixed is because it's hit this magical balance whereby it's infuriating enough to make me tear my hair out in frustration, yet since it only affects games, it isn't serious enough for my dad to take action.
Those out there who play video games everyday will know how I feel. Those who don't ( girls ) probably won't care. Here's the part you've been waiting for though. I am still certain that this blog will wither and die. Wether it's due to laziness or because I fing something better to do I don't know. I do have two hundred and sixty views, and you could say that's a good amount, but anywhere between ten and a hundred percent of those are my own, because of some pathetic reason, I visit my own blog everyday.
That's about all for now, till the next boredom fit.
Monday, September 15, 2008
What game is it? Well, I'm not going to tell you. I won't tell you because even if I did, you wouldn't know it at all. How do I know that? It's because the average thirteen-year-old Malaysian boy obsessively plays one ( or all ) of the following, and plays almost nothing else: Runescape, Maple Story, and DotA. So telling you would be futile. Very futile indeed.
Anyway, back to the point, this new game ( which is not Runescape, Maple Story, or DotA; I hate all those ) will serve as my new time-eater. It probably won't stop me from blogging entirely, but it will reduce the frequency of posts. To those who always hated my blog, then rejoice! But, for those who liked it....... Wait... noone did.. So, I guess, rejoice, don't be emo, and put that knife down.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Lantern Festival
That's not the bad part. Pie is never the bad part. If pie was the bad part, then this world has gone very, very wrong. Like Sweeney Todd. The bad part was my tooth that had been loose for a full nine months. After a few bites into the pie, something happened. No, it didn't come out. It broke in half. Half of it was still attached to my mouth, and the other half almost found its way down my throat, were it not for me frantically digging it out.
After that, I had to pull out the rest of the tooth ( still quite firmly attached ) with my fingers. And not even that's the bad part. The bad part was the blood. All of the blood. I spat into the sink. There was blood. I spat again. More blood. I spat and I spat until the sink was covered with the stuff and I had to clean it off. Things didn't really improve from there. My mouth stubbornly refused to stop bleeding, like it was emo and had decided that slitting its wrists was the only way out.
The hole left behind kept bleeding and bleeding and I had swallowed so much blood it made me sick. This went on for about an hour until I guess it just ran out. With the sickening taste of blood still fresh in my mouth, Shaun came over to pick me up. When we reached the school, we ran around meeting up with old friends while simultaneously avoiding the less-than-sane Wee Han. We then met up with Andy, who eventually let me try out his makeshift candle and air freshener flamethrower.
It was something I had always wanted to do. And when I did it, it deeply satisfied the inner pyromaniac in me. Well, at least for now. I've just realized how boringly long this post is, so I'll cut things short. After we did that, ( or before, I can't really remember because of fatigue ) Vivek and I ( but mostly Vivek ) used Shaun's phone to publicly humiliate him and show urhh... bad things to Claudia, Amanda, Yue Teng and Mun Lee, though if I'm not mistaken, only Claudia got a good look at it ( as evidenced by her description of it later on ).
It all ended in a big snow-spray free-for-all near the main entrance. Glad i didn't miss it, and I'm definately coming next year...... with more flamethrowers.
P.S. I also saw Bob Rick and Johannen from CF there. What're the chances?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Technical Difficulties
I just got a new modem and splitter yesterday, so hopefully these ones will be more emotionally stable ( AKA, not emo ). During those eleven blackout days, I had noticed something. I noticed that I had a lot more free time than before. You see, my free time is split like this: fifty percent obsessively using the computer to post crap on my blog that nobody actually reads ( this included ) and fifty percent... well.... everything else.
For the past eleven days there has been a less-than-convenient void in my schedule. I filled said void by lying on my bed, swearing at my modem, counseling Brandon over the phone, wandering aimlessly from room to room and urhh... sleeping. I should've well... spent that time actually living my life, but I kinda... wasted it. It's not too late though. I can take this as a lesson, get off the computer, and do something... something different. Something... better than this. But the fact that you're reading this means I've utterly failed to take my own advice. Oh well. 'Till next time.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Independence Day
The reason I mention this of course, is because that country, is ours. Duh. I must admit though, that I've never really felt a sense of patriotism or support for my country as I have during my four year stay in Australia. No, I wasn't born there, I moved there when I was four because my dad, ( who formerly worked at Petronas ) had to go there for some kind of project.
At the beginning of year three, I returned to the small third world country I talked about earlier. I don't mean to be offensive *cough* but I'd much rather had continued my life there instead of here. I don't know what to say, but I just loved it there; and what I had left behind kinda just makes me sad thinking about it.
It's one of the few things that just makes me sad without making me pissed first. And you'll be hard pressed to find something else like that. Not to say that I'm emo though. I'm sort of emo because of a reason. Those retards ( again, no offense ) who choose constant depression as a sort of lifestyle and who'll paint any visible surface black and randomly cut themselves ( put the knife down... okay? ) and who don't even have a bloody reason for their facade of sadness are just plain weird.
Lastly, that little cartoon that I drew in the previous post ( with Microsoft Paint, no less! ) will become a semi-regular addition in some of my posts mainly to increase the length of it, and thus make me look smarter. *cough*
P.S. The background of this blog is black, not because I'm emo, but so it won't strain my eyes. Seriously.
P.P.S. I've managed to type so much crap today because I really can't do anything else ( read previous post ).
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Once Again, Bored
Several factors have contributed to this boredom. Actually, it's just one, really annoying one. My computer crashes every single time I try to run any sort of game. Which is..... annoying *twitch*. The following graphic shall display my situation.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A Reminder
In other news, the United States has declared war on Russia and China. A nuclear strike-exchange has begun and all the cats in the world ( including yours ) will die horrible, horrible, horrible deaths. And I can fly. Actually I just made that up.
Lastly, I'd just like to say that Ji Xian, you have issues.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Killer Boredom
No More Heroes follows the journey of a very badly named assassin out to kill ten other very badly named assassins in order to be ranked first by the United Assassin's Association's League of Hitmen. The combat was an utter gorefest, which made it more fulfilling than most games. I ended up playing it for eight hours straight. Too bad I had to leave just after completing the penultimate assassination.
Two days ago, I had fun. The same can't be said for yesterday, unless you happen to have a freaking boredom fetish. Let's recap what I did. I woke up, went downstairs, went upstairs and then lay on my bed for about an hour. Repeat steps two to four. And that's the most comprehensive assessment of the events that I experienced yesterday that I'm willing to give you. The point is, I was bored to tears.
Why you might ever care, I don't know. In fact, I know you probably don't. I'm going to the cybercafe ( for sure this time ) right after lunch with Shaun, so hopefully, history won't have to repeat itself.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Not Going After All
The reason I'm posting this as "news" is because I don't add someone unless they're close friends and they asked me to link them. This was true in the case of Shaun, but not so much for Brandon ( he logged in to my account and linked himself ). Other not so exciting and completely unnecessary updates to my blog will include well.... nothing. I'm not going to add anything else. I'm lazy.
Lastly, I was also quite annoyed at Lee Chong Wei's defeat last night. In fact, annoyed might not be apt so much as "utterly infuriated". *cough*
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Status Report
If I could sum up the match in one phrase, it would be "ownage". We also played foosball in which I also owned in a two versus one match. We also ended up going to the arcade too. And yes, none of the girls came *cough* and as Shaun said "no girls no fun". I found that to be a pretty odd statement though it was quite fun in the end ( as you can read in Shaun's blog ).
As for presents, the only present I did get was a thirty ringgit ang-pau from Jun Yee. Cherish also said she would stop by for five minutes just to hand me a present, but, as I said earlier, none of the girls came. I mean, what's wrong with me? ( besides the obvious ). After our ownage at the cybercafe, we went bowling, in which I wasted two bucks on a new pair of socks because I was wearing sandals at the time. It went pretty OK and I did manage to beat Lucas in the end. How, I'm not too sure.
Well, that's just about all for now. I'm going to church soon, and tomorrow I'm headed off to 1 Utama again for another round of C-S pwning.
P.S. Jia Min owes me RM14.50. Bring more money next time, OK?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
And I Feel Fine
Now I've got that out of my system, time for a change of subject. My prediction I made on the eleventh turned out to be half-true. Every single boy I invited confirmed, and yet every single girl canceled. Honestly though, I am not gay.
Yesterday, I also managed to pick my first lock. I've learned two things from the experience:
1) It's hard if you have crappy tools.
2) It's a great way to hurt your fingers.
Well, that's all for now. 1st September, man.
P.S. It says August 14th because I didn't set the time zone correctly.
Monday, August 11, 2008
A "Party"
My feeling that this is going to suck started last year, during the end of year holidays. Brandon and I, bored as we were, decided to throw a random get-together at 1 Utama to watch a movie. Brandon ended up inviting around eight people, seven of which confirmed they were coming.
On the day immediately before, two or three of them canceled; which I thought wasn't too bad, I mean, we've still got four left, right? Wrong. On the morning right before we left, three more cancelled. So I guess it'll be me, Brandon and that one other person...
Wrong again. We went to the meeting location, and when she didn't show up for fifteen minutes, Brandon decided to give her a call. It was however, bloody freaking loud in there, so the call was reduced to a series of "huh?"s before finally hanging up. He called again. Same story.
He handed over the phone to me, and after twenty or thirty more "huh?"s, I discovered that she was still sleeping. I'd call that a pretty bad outcome. Every single person who had confirmed coming had subsequently canceled, and thus, made for a pretty lonely movie. I can only hope this turns out better.
P.S. No, Saturday is not my actual birthday, and no, I'm not telling you what it is.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Civics Presentation
Since she had basically vowed to tear us apart with her bare hands had the presentation not be completed, I joined whatever group I could, and ( hold your breath! ) - I actually did some work. Even so, on the presentation day, which was yesterday, things didn't exactly go as planned.
The subtopic of democracy which I was given was the "features" ( can't think of a better word ) of the democratic system in our country. I found what I needed off the internet, and e-mailed it to a fellow group member to print for me.
But, alas, things don't always work out that well. Apparently, on the day itself, that member thought that the paper that he printed was his and not mine. Worse still, another group member did the exact same subtopic as me, and got it from the exact same website. In the end, I had to make up an impromptu speech right off my head on the meaning of democracy.
I think I did okay, but maybe I was talking too loud to hear the "boos".
Saturday, August 2, 2008
A Comment on the Previous Post
I've also been listening to the song Don't Wanna Miss a Thing a lot lately at Brandon's house, partly because of Blades of Glory ( a really, really good movie, by the way ). I listen to it when I'm sleepy.
Friday, August 1, 2008
KGT at Brandon's
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Chocolate Heaven
I also ate a lot of other stuff I don't even remember about. This is all thanks to my older sister, Karen (http://www.taylors.edu.my/news/news_landing.php?id=5&news=28) who just graduated and returned from her stay in Reading, England.
Her room-mates had too much chocolate to bring home by themselves, so they gave the excess to her, which ended up mostly in my mouth due to the fact that both of my sisters are trying to eat as few as possible. She also brought back Flakes (which I love to death) but my grandmother gave them away (GRRR). Well, that's all I'm writing this time, because I have an uhhhh.... appointment.
Friday, July 25, 2008
That's Strange
Thinking it was a rock, I turned over the shoe, and a toad jumped out of it. Hmmm.... Well, yeah this is kind of a short post, but I just thought that was strange.....
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Joys of the Internet
I hate projects. I hate then so much. It's the inanimate object I hate the most, which is kinda wrong but I don't care either.
One of the main reasons I love the internet so much is because they help me finish as fast as possible the thing that I hate so much. Similar to most of you, I have three ( infuriatingly annoying ) projects. These are: my Geography project, Civics, and Moral.
First up, Geography. Instead of being like all those hard-working slaves in my class, I decided not to make a single original sentence. I found the article on Damansara Jaya in Wikipedia along with that of our school ( man, they have everything ). It had loads and loads of stuff, but it was all in English. Too lazy to translate with my head, I found an English to Malay translator on Blackle ( which I am now using instead of Google ).
One down , two to go. Next, Civics. This was another infuriating task made incredibly simple by the wonders of the internet. There were two steps to this task: First, ask a friend to send me the completed project in an e-mail. Second, change the names. Done.
Lastly, there was Moral. Since this was a group project, I was assigned to one task: the history of Malacca. I logged on to the Malay version of Wikipedia, searched Malaccan history, and copy-pasted everything on the page.
Once again, the internet saves the day.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The End of The World, Courtesy of Brandon Tan
I think that's utter bullshit. If we were really gonna die in 4 years, wouldn't it be all over the news? According to Brandon, the reason it's not on the news is because nobody cares about what happens in 4 years. Well, I don't know about you, but if someone told me I'd die in 4 years I'd like.... steal his car and stuff. At least I wouldn't have to deal with SPM.
However, if it is true that an asteroid will impact Earth in the year 2012, there's gonna be riots and shit so keep your shotgun close-by. Yes, this post has been quite a bore, but there's always a silver lining. In a bet I made with Brandon yesterday, if he is not on the planet Mars escaping the asteroid by the year 2012, then he owes me 5000 bucks. This post is partly to remind myself of that. I can smell the money now.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I Do Weird Things
As it turns out, the red stuff was - wait for it! - blood. The problem was, there was quite a lot of it so I decide to wipe it off with my hand. Great, now my hand's covered in blood. Then I decided to wipe my hand on the floor. Great, now there's a 1 foot long bloodstain on the floor.
I then decide to ignore the cut but realized that it was now bleeding on my pants. I wiped it off again, resulting on more blood on my hands ( literally ). I then wiped that on the wall this time, at which point a woman was staring at me. I walked away looking as innocent as possible, and tried not to stand close to the bloodstains when I asking my sister for a plaster.
If the janitor was lazy, you might still be able to find the stains right outside the cashiers at Giant.
I Hate RPGs
Now, for the hating bit. First of all this whole thing is retarded. People spend so much freaking time leveling up their character, finishing the quest they've unlocked and then leveling up again, stopping occasionally to kill a mushroom/zombie/knight/ghost/dragon/evil living toilet bowl. It's pointless. It's a waste of time. Yet people love it. I'll never understand people.
The only RPG I've ever spent a significant amount of time playing was Kingdom of Loathing and that was because it made fun of other RPGs and was actually a pretty good time-waster. But the others, Runescape, Maple Story, Cabal, and the bucket-load of similar games are all just crap. Seriously. The day I enjoy Maple Story is the day I swallow razor wire, pull it out my ass, and floss myself to death ( picture not included ).
P.S. I got 8 unique viewers. Darn.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Cutting an Orange, 1 Keruing Style
It was right after the Chinese New Year holidays. Mr. Tysern had taught us that throwing wet tissues at the ceiling was a great way to add some cheap, long-lasting decorations - they're still up there.
Anyway, before the holidays, My. Tysern had given each of us an orange. Most of us ate it, but after the holidays, Angeline discovered it was still in her bag. She later left the class and it was at this point that I decided to take the orange; and like the paper balls, "accidentally" throw it up into the fan.
The fan made a clean cut through the orange and a piece of it hit someone, staining their shirt. After some continuous laughter for about 5 minutes, Zien Han, the guy sitting next to me, took the larger piece and threw it into the fan again. This time, the whole thing exploded, with most of it flying out the window.
I love oranges.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Hatred for My Fellow Man
Amy Chua : stuck-up, won't shut the heck up.
Kathleen Sasha : same as Amy, talks like crazy.
Nicole Chan : don't get me started on this one... Urghhh....
Angeline Koh : being an annoying prick.
Jivean Maes : better now, but still not good.
Formerly on my list:
Lau Jun Yee : he's better now.
Lucas Tan : because he saw my blog (thanks Brandon).
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Puppies Part 1
Prepare yourself for part one of.... puppies.
WARNING: This story is incredibly boring and quite frankly a waste of time. Do not attempt to read unless you’re bored too. Any misinformation due to the reading of this story is seriously not my fault. This story is completely 100 percent true except for the made-up bits.
One day, Mr. Spam l337 decided to eat some pizza. He went to the cliff to ask for it. He decided to wet the cliff with liquid nitrogen. Three days later, a policeman went to the moon to search for computers when a telescope came out of nowhere. He went to the telescope and saw a cliff with liquid nitrogen on it. The policeman immediately ate some emergency pizza and flew to the home of Mr. Spam 1337. He went there and said, "Did you own my yak?" Mr. Spam l337 said yes. Then the policeman said “You are over arrest for liquidising nitrogen and then dumping it on a cliff.” “NOOOOO!!!” replied Mr. Spam l337 and then he exploded. All the puppies in the immediate vicinity were incinerated so you couldn't tell that they were ever puppies at all. “That’s terrible!” screamed the policeman whilst eating handfuls of concentrated Pizza Drink.
An Exercise in Futility
As you, ( or more likely, I ) can see, this is an exercise in futility. But due to my personal motto " If it's worth doing, it's worth over-doing. " I have decided to continue on with this exercise in futility and let it possibly become some sort of journal.
I mean, in a few thousand years, someone ( or something ) may have the unfortunate chance of stumbling upon this mass of words and might actually remember me. You know, like.... uhhh.... [place good example here].
Monday, July 7, 2008
An Introduction
This is a blog. You may already know that, but I'm just reminding you in case you may have forgot. The main subject of this blog will be:
Urhhh.. yea you can leave now. Or, if you want to, you can stay, but don't say I didn't warn you. Repeatedly.
Anyway, to get this thing started, here's my first topic:
Things I Want to Do in The Near Future
Yea, I'm really bored, so why not I empty the contents of my mind and spill it all over the floor for the whole world to see? No? Too late.
Here's a list of the things I want to do in the near future. Why? Not entirely sure myself, but I'm writing it anyway.
2.Stop time
3.Stop time some more
4.Fly some more
5.Make a movie
6.Make some more movies
7.Juggle knives
8.Become a master swordsman
9.Juggle more knives
10.Be ambidextrous
11.Be more ambidextrous
12.Fly more
13.Fly a lot more
14.Fly even more
15.Did I mention flying?
16.Think of a better list