Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Too Lazy

For certain reasons, I'm far too lazy to post anything right now, so i shall kindly link you somewhere else. Enjoy.

My Flash animations and comics:

A wonderful browser-based RPG that I demand you join:

Take your pick.

P.S. Happy New Year!

Friday, December 25, 2009


Ho Ho Ho, Merry, uh, Boxing Day. Yeah, I'm kind of a day late for posting but whatever. Tis' the season for procrastination. Anyway... Presents! Woo Hoo! So yeah I got this toy lemur ( a ring-tailed lemur, no less ) which is exceptionally soft. On top of that was some Belgian chocolate ( from Belgia(?), no less ) and also this wonderful little gadget called 20Q. Oh, and a book ( made of paper, no less ). Anyway, this 20Q thing is awesome. Basically, it's an electronic game of twenty questions, with you thinking of something, and it asking twenty questions and then figuring out what it is. It's amazingly good, figuring out obscure stuff like air conditioner, pie, black hole, electricity and, uh lemur. Yeah.

Anyway, today ( boxing day - although I've no idea why it's called that - I shall Wiki it ) I went to play footsall with Brandon, Vivek, Der Cheng, and Nicholas ( from Canada, no less ) and it basically proved that I still suck. Anyway, it was still fun, until everything devolved into a mindless conversation about Mouse Hunt. I mean, come on.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Easy Come Easy Go

A basic rule of thumb that you can carry with you for your whole life is that if something seems to good to be true, it is. On the flipside, if something seems like it can't get any worse, it probably will. But enough pessimistic ( bordering on emo - man I hate emo ) crap. The point is for the past two weeks I've had the power of the supermagical interwebs ( aka, the internet ) at my new house ( I only ever used to have it in my old house, hence the constant ferrying back and forth. On a footnote, the terms "old" and "new" are completely relative; my new house isn't that new, but my old house really is quite old ). But all good things must come to an end ( a sentence I've heard a lot on those bloody arcade coin machines that last 15 seconds ).

Anyway, the bottom line is that thanks to a ridiculous "data limiter whatsamacallit" I can't use the internet in my new house again until next month. Which is precisely why I'm writing this at my old house. Oh well, easy come easy go. In other news, I shall be going to a CF Christmas Party later today, which should be fun. Yay. And in other, other news, my Team Fortress 2 statistics page shows that I've had a total playtime of around 150 hours. I bet if I put my massive brain and towering intellect to something more useful ( ie, curing cancer ) I would have succeeded by now.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Flash Games

I have since acquired a taste for Flash games of all types ( although preferably ones that feature explosions ) because of the fact that I now have internet in my new house, but am not allowed to download or install anything with it. Which is fine, because I've found a few gems of the browser game world. Firstly there's Fancy Pants Adventures 1 and 2, which are both really fun to play, sort of like Mario but you're a stick man with bright orange pants ( eventually you get to unlock different colours ). The second is longer, and more fun ( the boss is an angry rabbit that hops around infuriatingly ) but both are worth playing.

Secondly, for the all important kaboom requirement, there's Warfare 1917 and Warefare 1944. The first is, predictably, set in 1917 during the First World War, and the second during the Second World War. But enough history. The bottom line is, in both, you get to command tiny men to blow up tanks. And that's fun enough. The two games have four campaigns between them, and all are worth playing, to kill around two hours. All these games are completely free and don't require any installation or download. Thank God for interwebs.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Went to Jia Min's house a few days ago, with his awesome RM3,500 computer and all to waste a few hours playing Team Fortress 2. I also bought Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway ( which I am currently installing ) to play there too. Problem: after installation, it won't work. Which is odd, considering RM3,500 is a lot of money. After poking around a bit though, I find a wholly ridiculous problem with his computer and spend the next two hours basically as a repairman. An unpaid one. The problem was this: his graphics card was never being used. Not once. In other words, a very important part of his computer had not been functioning at all since he bought it ( six months ago ) and it took me to find that out and fix it. Oh well.

Oh, and I found this really fun ( if extremely violent ) werewolf hunter game ( it's free, in a browser ) called Vox Populi Vox Dei. I think. Just search "werewolf hunting game". Great way to kill time. That, and There is Only One Level and You Only Live Once are both excellent ways to waste time. Believe me, I know.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I'm blogging. Which is wholly unremarkable except for the fact that I'm doing this from my new house, which, until very recently ( four hours ago ) has been entirely devoid of the wonders of the supermagical interwebs ( AKA, the internet ). Now, though, thanks to a wireless Maxis modem, all is well in the universe. Almost. There are some niggling problems; firstly, it's about as stable as a mental patient and is really rather slow at times. So it's like an old mental patient. Even so, it's a whole lot better than nothing. At least now I can message - or at least I can once this blasted Windows Live update finishes downloading.

On another note, and excellent way to waste buckets of time is to visit the aptly named Failblog ( http://www.failblog.org/ ) which basically showcases hundreds of pages worth of epic fail. Utterly unmissable. Aaron introduced it, by the way, and another thing he showed me was Batman: Arkham Asylum which is an incredibly satisfying depiction of Batman beating up crazy people. Again, utterly unmissable. By the way, if Yi Fen is reading this, what happened to the afternoon session outing?