Saturday, December 5, 2009


I'm blogging. Which is wholly unremarkable except for the fact that I'm doing this from my new house, which, until very recently ( four hours ago ) has been entirely devoid of the wonders of the supermagical interwebs ( AKA, the internet ). Now, though, thanks to a wireless Maxis modem, all is well in the universe. Almost. There are some niggling problems; firstly, it's about as stable as a mental patient and is really rather slow at times. So it's like an old mental patient. Even so, it's a whole lot better than nothing. At least now I can message - or at least I can once this blasted Windows Live update finishes downloading.

On another note, and excellent way to waste buckets of time is to visit the aptly named Failblog ( ) which basically showcases hundreds of pages worth of epic fail. Utterly unmissable. Aaron introduced it, by the way, and another thing he showed me was Batman: Arkham Asylum which is an incredibly satisfying depiction of Batman beating up crazy people. Again, utterly unmissable. By the way, if Yi Fen is reading this, what happened to the afternoon session outing?

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