Sunday, December 20, 2009

Easy Come Easy Go

A basic rule of thumb that you can carry with you for your whole life is that if something seems to good to be true, it is. On the flipside, if something seems like it can't get any worse, it probably will. But enough pessimistic ( bordering on emo - man I hate emo ) crap. The point is for the past two weeks I've had the power of the supermagical interwebs ( aka, the internet ) at my new house ( I only ever used to have it in my old house, hence the constant ferrying back and forth. On a footnote, the terms "old" and "new" are completely relative; my new house isn't that new, but my old house really is quite old ). But all good things must come to an end ( a sentence I've heard a lot on those bloody arcade coin machines that last 15 seconds ).

Anyway, the bottom line is that thanks to a ridiculous "data limiter whatsamacallit" I can't use the internet in my new house again until next month. Which is precisely why I'm writing this at my old house. Oh well, easy come easy go. In other news, I shall be going to a CF Christmas Party later today, which should be fun. Yay. And in other, other news, my Team Fortress 2 statistics page shows that I've had a total playtime of around 150 hours. I bet if I put my massive brain and towering intellect to something more useful ( ie, curing cancer ) I would have succeeded by now.

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