Monday, November 30, 2009

Waiting Game

I'm waiting right now. Waiting for a certain Shaun to come. I'm in a cybercafe now ( shocking, is it not? ) and Shaun, is, amazingly, late. As such, I have decided to update my blog, which I have not posted in for a week or so because I have inconveniently been in Singapore. Which, frankly, is a lot more fun than waiting for Shaun. I'm far too tired to describe everything that I did in Singapore at length, and thus I shall compress it as best ( lazily ) as I can. Okay, first, Night Safari. Orchard Road, Chinatown, Zoo, Clarke Quay, small hotel room. Lots of other stuff. Uhhh. Pictures coming soon. Possibly.

I am, however, not tired enough to stop me from going to a cybercafe and waiting for that blasted Shaun. "WHY YOU ALWAYS SO LATE AH!?" I'll also try to get Modern Warfare 2 up and running, which took a wholly ridiculous three and a half hours to install on my computer. Oh, and I bought season 2 of Life. Now... Shaun. He's fifteen minutes late now. And I rushed to be early. See how I'm clearly the more responsible one in this group?

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