Wednesday, April 29, 2009

21 Minutes to Midnight

It is, as said in the title, 21 minutes to midnight. Sorta. If a minute is a day, and midnight is.... the exams! Argh. And exams, as ( most of us ) know, means studying, which to me means "sigh"; also because for once I've actually started studying three weeks before the exam, which, to anyone who knows me well, is an unprecedented feat. But lest ye think that my entire world revolves around exams like a hypnotized moth around a flame, the main reason for this doomsday-like countdown is the holiday that shall follow. Which, like most holidays, should be freaking awesome. Yay.

Another thing is that I had a really weird dream recently. I dreamed that I fell asleep, and in that sleep I had another dream. Upon waking up from that dream ( still in my dream, by the way ), I commented on how weird that dream was. I then woke up ( for real, this time ) and felt utterly perplexed. If you have no idea at all what that was about, than that makes two of us. Somehow. Here's to hoping for better dreams in the future, hopefully involving Chocolate World or something like that.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Much to Do

I haven't been posting all to often recently, but mainly for good reason. I've got a lot to do, necessary or otherwise, that seems to make my time spent blogging obsolete. For one thing, I've just realized that I have a lot of games. Firstly, just got Medieval II with Boon Kuan ( which is just as awesome as Rome - which I still have ) then, I've decided to replay the Half-Life 2 series along with its episodes ( which is about 20 hours long ). Lastly, if I stop playing Team Fortress 2 for an extended period of time, the little mastery I've managed to gain will fade away.

I haven't even mentioned the five or so games that I've currently stopped playing for want of time. Oh yeah, and I'm borrowing Armed Assault later. But all that pales in comparison ( sorta ) to the enormous pile of crap that is going to be unceremoniously dumped on top - the exams. Grr. Three weeks to go. Then.... holidays! Woots. Uhmm yeah. Maybe I'm being a tad overdramatic. I'm not gonna stop gaming for studying; pfft, I'll merely do both at the same time.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Don't Like Where This is Going

I've only about an hour or so till I have to get off ( and I want to spend a good chunk of it replaying Half-Life 2 ) so I'm gonna make this quick. First, if I'm not mistaken, I'm currently one month and one day away from the mid-year exams. Which means.... Well, it means I'm on the express to Happyland. By express, I mean falling into, and by Happyland, I mean a great abyss. An abyss of... learning! Wooo I'm so bored. Yeah, anyway, because of my less-than-satisfactory BM results during my previous exam, I'm going to have to study for an entire month, which is about one month longer than I wanted to.

Next up, later I'm going to Atria to pick up a copy of Medieval II: Total War ( co-funded by Boon Kuan ) and I'm pretty sure it's going to be pure, concentrated awesome. Mmm, awesome. After that, going with Shaun and Jun Yee to 1 Utama. One thing though, for the first time, I don't feel like I need to blog, I'm perfectly content spending my time playing TF2, surfing the net, or using MSN. I'm no longer bored out of my mind. Thus, my postings here will continue becoming more and more infrequent, short and lazy. Such is life.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Oh Happy Day

Yep, that's a song. Okay you don't know that song, cos it's real old. But whatever. Let me just clear a few things up. School on Saturday managed to reach brave new heights of sucking. Really brave new heights. It's about an hour shorter than regular school, but it somehow manages to cram all the boredom and frustration of a regular day ( and then some ) into a smaller time-frame. It's not shorter at all, merely concentrated. Yeah so, as a prelude to Easter, not good.

Then Easter itself almost completely made up for all of that. Because of ( dun dun dun ) Elaine's party - woots. It was fun. Yay. First, went to Boon Kuan's house where he was playing *cough* Rome: Total War and then went down to mess around with his Xbox 360, playing Halo 3 ( which was a bit weird ) and Gears of War 2 ( oh yeah chainsaws ). After that, drove me to Elaine's house, where we waited around for about an hour before she arrived home from tuition.

Then we did all sorts of stuff. So much, that I can't really remember which came first, so I'll say them in a random order: we played cards, had Domino's pizza along with KFC for lunch, had a very starnge game of sharades, played Taboo, stared at fish in the fish pond, drank a lot of coke, had a cake ( which tasted like pure, concentrated awesome ), then dropped a piece of cake in my Coke ( which did not taste like pure, concentrated awesome ).

Following that was a game of hide-and-seek ( seriously ) and in a house that big, it wan't very tough. Still managed to be real fun though, considering some of the places that people "hid" in. The next thing I can remember was at around 7.30 we turned of all the lights and told ghost stories. We even made a little camp fire out of mobile phones. They weren't very scary, although the fact that it was dark and the air-cons in the house are almost perpetually turned on, it seemed like they were. All in all, a good day, and one that I'm likely to remember for a while; unlike Saturday, which my mind will spend it's entire life trying to surpress.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Hello. It is I, the same dude who wrote everything else in this blog. But I'm considerably more bored. There isn't much that I really need to talk about. Nothing really happened in my immediate vicinity which I can say was truly out of the ordinary except for the fact that we're having school on Saturday this week ( again ); and that's not really something I find worth celebrating. At least we're having the CF afternoon session drama today, which, to tell you the truth, I have no idea regarding what it's about.

Oh yeah, there's been another thing. Rome: Total War. First played it couple years back, completely consumed my life. The need to continually shift, react, conquer and perhaps massacre a settlement for the fun of it, drove me to take it more seriously than life itself. School time was no more, consumed by endless pondering of what should be done when I get home, which cities to conquer; which to defend. Fast forward a couple of years, and I've decided to play it again, and it's as mind-bendingly awesome as before.

With one important difference. I lent it to Boon Kuan, at his request, and it's eaten his life too. Now, instead of me sitting alone talking crap to myself about what I should do when I get the chance to play; now, it's both of us talking crap to each other. And yeah, it's awesome. We've even made our own little paper game which we play almost every second of school, and naturally, Jia Min always loses. Maybe life isn't so boring.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Had a blackout couple days ago. Not fun. At all. It was like Earth Hour, but even darker, because the whole neighbourhood was out, and about five times longer. And hotter, because of the insane lack of a fan. Anyways, we had a weird candle light dinner ( which wasn't very fun either ) and I spent a good hour-and-a-half stoning. Yep, my exciting life. At least well, I wasn't there the whole time ( it started at 4.30, only got back at 7.20 ) and it ended before I had to go to sleep ( sleeping in that heat would've drove me insane ).

Next, had a group discussion on our English Oral test at Claudia's house yesterday. Fun. Not exactly very productive, but fun. We spent three hours mostly goofing off. Those three hours were meant to discuss a ten minute play. And after those three hours, I stayed back another 40 minutes. And we're still not done. Oh, the sweet smell of progress. Add to that the fact that one of our group members didn't come ( one that can scream very well, and for once that's not Boon Kuan ) then this whole thing just reeks of another visit to someone's house. But that's all right. Cos' it's fun.