Wednesday, April 29, 2009

21 Minutes to Midnight

It is, as said in the title, 21 minutes to midnight. Sorta. If a minute is a day, and midnight is.... the exams! Argh. And exams, as ( most of us ) know, means studying, which to me means "sigh"; also because for once I've actually started studying three weeks before the exam, which, to anyone who knows me well, is an unprecedented feat. But lest ye think that my entire world revolves around exams like a hypnotized moth around a flame, the main reason for this doomsday-like countdown is the holiday that shall follow. Which, like most holidays, should be freaking awesome. Yay.

Another thing is that I had a really weird dream recently. I dreamed that I fell asleep, and in that sleep I had another dream. Upon waking up from that dream ( still in my dream, by the way ), I commented on how weird that dream was. I then woke up ( for real, this time ) and felt utterly perplexed. If you have no idea at all what that was about, than that makes two of us. Somehow. Here's to hoping for better dreams in the future, hopefully involving Chocolate World or something like that.

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