Thursday, April 9, 2009


Hello. It is I, the same dude who wrote everything else in this blog. But I'm considerably more bored. There isn't much that I really need to talk about. Nothing really happened in my immediate vicinity which I can say was truly out of the ordinary except for the fact that we're having school on Saturday this week ( again ); and that's not really something I find worth celebrating. At least we're having the CF afternoon session drama today, which, to tell you the truth, I have no idea regarding what it's about.

Oh yeah, there's been another thing. Rome: Total War. First played it couple years back, completely consumed my life. The need to continually shift, react, conquer and perhaps massacre a settlement for the fun of it, drove me to take it more seriously than life itself. School time was no more, consumed by endless pondering of what should be done when I get home, which cities to conquer; which to defend. Fast forward a couple of years, and I've decided to play it again, and it's as mind-bendingly awesome as before.

With one important difference. I lent it to Boon Kuan, at his request, and it's eaten his life too. Now, instead of me sitting alone talking crap to myself about what I should do when I get the chance to play; now, it's both of us talking crap to each other. And yeah, it's awesome. We've even made our own little paper game which we play almost every second of school, and naturally, Jia Min always loses. Maybe life isn't so boring.

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