Monday, July 27, 2009


I've seen two new movies recently. The first of which is Transformers 2. Although I must say it was pretty fun, towards the end it just turned into a mega-super-crazy explosionathon. I mean, they could've blown up the theater and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Whether that's a good thing, I'll leave for you to decide. Th next movie I watched was Coraline, which you've almost certainly never heard of. It's a complicated, somewhat odd story, so I'll just give you the gist. It's an animation, and it's about a girl who finds a secret door in her house which leads to an alternate version of her life which is the same, only it's much better and everyone has buttons on their eyes. It's hard to tell wether it's a children's movie, because at some parts it's super-crazy psycho-freaky.

Speaking of eyes, after Transformers 2, I got new glasses. My power has gone up quite considerably, from 225-225 to 375-425 in the space of three and a half years. I am quite aware that is not good. But I'll try to make it better. Less computer, more shut-eye... Although as you can see I'm blogging now, but I'll be off, promise. Sorta.

Monday, July 20, 2009


This is a little story I like to call "Me Being an Idiot". It goes something like this. I am in my room. I want to go downstairs. I get up, walk over to the door, and switch off the lights. I then grab the door handle, and pull it open. Straight into my face. I guess I was standing a tad close when I opened it. It's another one of those moments of genius that are sprinkled on my life. My glasses got screwed up pretty bad when they were shoved into my face, and so I spent the next fifteen minutes straightening them out. They're still a little wonky, but until I get my new pair ( Saturday ), this'll have to do. Come to think of it, it's not that bad; if I wasn't wearing my glasses then I would've gotten a black eye or something.

Now on to more tales of idiocy. This time, in ArmA, a shooter-war-etc. game/FPS. Here's how it goes. I have to get my squad in a car. I tell them to follow me, and walk them five hundred meters to get inside. Nothing happens. I realize that one squad member is still five hundred meters away, shouting on the radio that he's lost. Very well, I walk all the way back, tell him to follow me, and walk to the car again. He doesn't move an inch. I walk all the way back to him. I now have two options. a) I can order my squad out of the car and make the entire 800m journey on foot. b) I can shoot him in the face. Since all my squad members ( the alive ones, anyway ) will then be in the car, I can proceed. I choose B. I run back to the car and it starts driving.

Straight into a tree. I end up making the entire 800m journey on foot anyway, one man less. It's these infuriating, ridiculous moments that make me feel like giving up. It's the awesome fun before and after that ensure that I don't.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rally Stuff

Back on the rally, we had a great session of praise and worship, and you could seriously feel the ground shaking from all the jumping and stuff. We were right in front of the stage, so yeah, it was pretty loud. We had a pastor Daniel ( if I'm not mistaken ) speaking ( "BODOH!" ) followed by Pastor Andy after lunch. And speaking of lunch, Tze Kwang ( AKA Goliath ) sure can eat. Yong Teng ( Bob ) and I decided to share a single plate of rice, since we weren't that hungry. Tze Kwang, on the other hand, ate two. And then a Chicken and Cheese Hot Roll. That's like four times as much as us. And he could still jump without throwing up. Brandon ( Primashanti??? ) on the other hand just had a roll, along with Han Jiang ( Malachi ).

By the way, all those names in brackets were Christian names for all those who didn't have one that day ( yes, even Goliath ) except well, Primashanti, which was decidedly random. On other things, when I'm not deleting the alarming amount of spam on my chatbox ( from Jun Yee ), I'm playing ArmA, which although is incredibly fun, has ridiculously bad AI. Like driving over team-mates and parking on their heads. Or flying straight into a cliff. Maybe that's just part of the fun.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Subang Rally

I just went for Subang Rally yesterday. For the uninitiated, it's a Christian Fellowship rally for all the highschools and colleges in the Subang area. Oh yeah, and also DJ. Which is odd, because only seven people out of the four hundred or so were from DJ. I'll say that again; seven. Out of four hundred. It's also safe to say that it blew away all of my expectations, although I must say that I didn't really have any; this is the first rally I've ever been to ( didn't go for the Prayer Rally ).

Although the DJ presence there was unquestionably smaller than it could ( and should have been - c'mon, the entire DJ entourage came in one car ); it's presence was no less felt, as shown by Brandon who, oddly enough proceeded to shake hands with and talk to absolutely everyone he came across. And of course, we tagged along, proceeding to basically scare and confuse the general populace. It was, however, awesome fun, and a little nice introduction can go a long way ( albeit sometimes in the wrong direction ). Oh yeah, and Recess Revolution - gotta get started. Ask me if you don't know.

That was all before the rally itself even started. There's so much to say ( which I will try to follow up in a later post ) but I'm at a cybercafe right now and I really want to get to the shooting things part. Somewhat relating to that, I've got ArmA up and running, at last, and it's about just as good as I thought it'd be ( which is okay, since I thought it would be awesome ). There's also all this other stuff that I want to say, but I fear it will not survive contact with the sneering eyes of the internets. Sigh.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Otherwise Occupied

For the next couple of weeks or so, I'm going to be otherwise occupied, with my cousins, my aunt, my uncle and all going to be staying over at my old house. Which almost invariably means less computer time. Which also means more infrequent posts. Not that you care. Anyway, they're both little girls, they're half-Irish ( which means they've got an Irish accent ) and they're seemingly endlessly energetic. And that also means, since there's only one proper shower in my old house, I have to bathe downstairs. With a bucket. You didn't need to know that.

On a completely different note, I've just finished watching Band of Brothers ( absolutely nothing to do with the Jonas Brothers, and I'm glad for it ) and it's every bit as awesome as I thought it'd be, and then a little bit more ( it does, however, have everything to do with World War II, a subject I find more than a little interesting. Seriously, if our History lessons included it, I could finally use all this useless information for something ). Other than that, nothing much has been happening, except overwhelmingly more of the same. What about you? ( see I asked about you, proving that I am not self-absorbed. *cough* )

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Open Day

Open Day went pretty alright for me. I quite enjoyed the fact that we got to skip KH again today ( we're way behind almost every single class ). And I've just finished 2/3 of my art homework, which means I'm now semi free. And there's CF later. And PJ. So yay. One thing I never quite understood was why people were always so afraid of Open Day. It's not like parents slaughter their children right? Heh. Sitting in line in 2 Keruing because I skipped Kesatria one too many times, I couldn't help but overhear the guy next to me getting grilled by his mother. He had ( as I heard ) had eight absenties for one of his extracurricular activities. His mother then proceeded to beat the hell out of him, verbally. The boy tried to answer but soon realised that saying nothing would probably be the best course of action. I just looked at my feet, pretended I couldn't hear, and thanked God I wasn't in his place.

Band of Brothers, by the way, had been absolutely awesome, just as I predicted. After a while you kinda get used to seeing so much blood everywhere ( World War II, c'mon ) but then you remember that everything that happens in the film happened in real life so yeah, that guy's leg really did get blown off, and that guy really did get his jugular shot out. I'll keep watching though, as it's just too good. One thing that sucks is that World War II isn't included in our History lessons, instead we get stuff like the freaking Klang War. Sigh. Otherwise, I'd probably ace.