Thursday, July 2, 2009

Open Day

Open Day went pretty alright for me. I quite enjoyed the fact that we got to skip KH again today ( we're way behind almost every single class ). And I've just finished 2/3 of my art homework, which means I'm now semi free. And there's CF later. And PJ. So yay. One thing I never quite understood was why people were always so afraid of Open Day. It's not like parents slaughter their children right? Heh. Sitting in line in 2 Keruing because I skipped Kesatria one too many times, I couldn't help but overhear the guy next to me getting grilled by his mother. He had ( as I heard ) had eight absenties for one of his extracurricular activities. His mother then proceeded to beat the hell out of him, verbally. The boy tried to answer but soon realised that saying nothing would probably be the best course of action. I just looked at my feet, pretended I couldn't hear, and thanked God I wasn't in his place.

Band of Brothers, by the way, had been absolutely awesome, just as I predicted. After a while you kinda get used to seeing so much blood everywhere ( World War II, c'mon ) but then you remember that everything that happens in the film happened in real life so yeah, that guy's leg really did get blown off, and that guy really did get his jugular shot out. I'll keep watching though, as it's just too good. One thing that sucks is that World War II isn't included in our History lessons, instead we get stuff like the freaking Klang War. Sigh. Otherwise, I'd probably ace.

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