Saturday, July 11, 2009

Subang Rally

I just went for Subang Rally yesterday. For the uninitiated, it's a Christian Fellowship rally for all the highschools and colleges in the Subang area. Oh yeah, and also DJ. Which is odd, because only seven people out of the four hundred or so were from DJ. I'll say that again; seven. Out of four hundred. It's also safe to say that it blew away all of my expectations, although I must say that I didn't really have any; this is the first rally I've ever been to ( didn't go for the Prayer Rally ).

Although the DJ presence there was unquestionably smaller than it could ( and should have been - c'mon, the entire DJ entourage came in one car ); it's presence was no less felt, as shown by Brandon who, oddly enough proceeded to shake hands with and talk to absolutely everyone he came across. And of course, we tagged along, proceeding to basically scare and confuse the general populace. It was, however, awesome fun, and a little nice introduction can go a long way ( albeit sometimes in the wrong direction ). Oh yeah, and Recess Revolution - gotta get started. Ask me if you don't know.

That was all before the rally itself even started. There's so much to say ( which I will try to follow up in a later post ) but I'm at a cybercafe right now and I really want to get to the shooting things part. Somewhat relating to that, I've got ArmA up and running, at last, and it's about just as good as I thought it'd be ( which is okay, since I thought it would be awesome ). There's also all this other stuff that I want to say, but I fear it will not survive contact with the sneering eyes of the internets. Sigh.

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