Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Muffled Scream

This "exams" nonsense is getting to my head. I'm less of a happy-go-lucky guy and more of an annoyed "Aaaargh!!!" kinda guy now. To put it subtly. All reassurances from my family that this is fine, and on the grand scheme of things this doesn't freaking matter are quickly dashed by the fact that all of the teachers ( and students, mind you ) seem to be treating this like an end-of-the-world thing. And dare I say, they're doing pretty well. It's driving me nuts. Am I the only one who thinks that we shouldn't really care? And yet I'm the one going mad about it. This isn't made better by the fact that my History teacher expressly stated that the exam was going to be absurdly hard. Oh, joy!

I want Australia. I know I always say this, but the educational system there is the one of the things I miss the most. I mean, is it just me, or is this a tad ridiculous to you? The exams, stress and etcetera are meant to prepare you for the stresses of working life. In other words, they hurt you now, so you won't be surprised when they hurt you later. I'm not saying my life is hell, it's actually relatively ( to the right people ) great. Maybe I'm soft, and not accustomed to your "exams are everything" way of life, but I'm saying that school could be so much better. Cough. Gag. Muffled scream.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Went to 1 Utama with Brandon on Wednesday. Shaun was mean to go too, but it didn't work out. So it was just the two of us. Which was OK, I guess, but then something went wrong with the movie. Long story short, after a series or ridiculous complications, we paid for the ticket, but couldn't watch the movie. Stuff sucks. It was G-Force, by the way, and I've no idea if it was good anyway. In the end, however, the day was salvaged by having a Ms. Coco Frappe at the Chocolate Lounge ( the best drink, ever ) and then playing Company of Heroes at the cybercafe. All in all, pretty fun I guess.

Then on Thursday I went to Aaron's house. After experimenting for a while with the ridiculously violent Prototype, I went on to try out BioShock. It's an amazing game, and even though I had a madly rushed playthrough, it was awesome nonetheless, like reading a really good book but being in the book, and shooting stuff. And Andrew Ryan is my favourite character in a game. Like, ever. Of course none of this will make any sense to you unless you've played BioShock ( which you haven't ) so I suggest you play it, now. It's better than that Sudden Attack crap you're wasting your life with.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Holidays, Again!

Yay, it's the holidays again! And although I must say that holidays are one of my favourite things on this little planet of ours; a moment of respite from the combined forces of stress and tedium that plague our everyday lives, I must say that I can't help but feel that this is the calm before the storm. Or to stretch it even further, the cigarrette before execution by firing squad. Ok, maybe that is a tad exaggerating, but this still is my last holiday before the exams. Although that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it. On Friday, I went to Shaun's house, and alhough his computer abruptly exploded, we still managed to have fun playing with his BB gun ( technically it was an airsoft gun, BB guns fire lead pellets that have been known to kill ) by shooting it at the wall with enough force to shatter the pellets. Ouch.

I also fired a capgun for the first time in my life, and it is loud. My left ear was deaf for a couple of minutes. And I've been dying to say this for a long time: "I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning." There. It's out of my system. Anyways, we then went for some mamaking, and tomorrow I shall merrily make my way to 1 Utama with friends. Then I'm going to Aaron's. And I'm going to own Jia Min in Team Fortress 2. I'm gonna like this.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Live 2

I've now recently made Live 2: Revenge of Live. If you have no idea what Live 1 was in the first place, then I suggest you completely ignore this article. So far, the only changes I've made to the basic formula ( which I made as well *smug grin* ) are the omission of those scissors-paper-stone duels and a new "realistic mode". What that basically means is that your fate is now entirely in my hands. No matter how good you are at scissors-paper-stone, I can still make you get hit by a car if you don't look left and right when crossing the road. Ha! And realistic mode basically means I'll just make you life a lot harder. And there's also a new focus on cats, peanut butter, and the city of New York. Those of you who don't know what Live is are probably perplexed by now. Or deranged.

Anyway, I'm almost done with Deus Ex. Yay! The story so far has been really, really good and the game itself has been really, really long. But I'll finish it soon. I think. After that will be Team Fortress 2 ( again ) in which I have clocked something like over 200 hours playing, 45 of which as the Spy class. And I'm still not that good. Don't judge me.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


It's getting progressively harder to try and keep up with my "at least six posts a month" goal. I created this blog for two reasons. Firstly, so that I'll have something to do when I'm bored. Amazingly, I'm no longer bored when I'm on the computer. In fact, I now have an overload of awesome games I want to play. Case in point Deus Ex, which, after three ( or more ) weeks, I have still yet to complete. And there's still Team Fortress 2, and although my skills now tend to fluctuate wildly, on the whole it's still a hugely satisfying experience. And Jia Min has it now. Which means I can own him. The next reason was basically so I could read it when I'm older, and then smugly comment on how I'd "moved on since then" and nostalgically read about my highschool misadventures.

Uhh... maybe not. Anyway, my point ( if I do have one at all ) is that I don't want this blog to die. The internet is positively jammed with blogs of people who started a blog because it was "cool" *vomit* at the time, and then abandoned it because they got lazy. And although hardly anyone reads this ( and I don't blame them - I've stuck strictly with a "no pictures at all" rule; thus making this all look like a random mess of words ), I started it, and I'm gonna finish this. Although you can't technically "finish" a blog. Oh and exams are coming. *gulp* Godspeed.

Monday, September 7, 2009


I went to Penang on Saturday, the occasion being my grandfather's funeral. On the way there, we played twenty questions, and I basically hummed every single song that I knew in my head. That killed a good hour and a half. Among the songs included were Yellow, Clocks, Viva la Vida, Stacy's Mom, Ode to Crayola, Ultimate Showdown, Planets Bend Between Us, The Little Things ( Wanted ) and lots, lots more. Stuff like that sticks in my mind. Now you know what's in my head. In my cousins house, we ended up playing World in Conflict ( the campaign anyway ) and I also spent a lot of time reading Reader's Digest. He has hundreds of 'em.

Anyway, met a lot of relatives, including some that I had never, ever seen in my life. A lot of catching up to do. On a lighter note, those of you suffering from chronic boredom may want to download Gravity Bone, a first-person espionage game that's free, is only 20Mb and only takes about 30 or so minutes to complete. Trust me; it's worth it. You may also want to try Death Worm, a game in which you're a giant worm eating those above ground. Soon tanks and planes arrive. Best of all, it gives your score in meat.