Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Muffled Scream

This "exams" nonsense is getting to my head. I'm less of a happy-go-lucky guy and more of an annoyed "Aaaargh!!!" kinda guy now. To put it subtly. All reassurances from my family that this is fine, and on the grand scheme of things this doesn't freaking matter are quickly dashed by the fact that all of the teachers ( and students, mind you ) seem to be treating this like an end-of-the-world thing. And dare I say, they're doing pretty well. It's driving me nuts. Am I the only one who thinks that we shouldn't really care? And yet I'm the one going mad about it. This isn't made better by the fact that my History teacher expressly stated that the exam was going to be absurdly hard. Oh, joy!

I want Australia. I know I always say this, but the educational system there is the one of the things I miss the most. I mean, is it just me, or is this a tad ridiculous to you? The exams, stress and etcetera are meant to prepare you for the stresses of working life. In other words, they hurt you now, so you won't be surprised when they hurt you later. I'm not saying my life is hell, it's actually relatively ( to the right people ) great. Maybe I'm soft, and not accustomed to your "exams are everything" way of life, but I'm saying that school could be so much better. Cough. Gag. Muffled scream.

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