Saturday, September 12, 2009


It's getting progressively harder to try and keep up with my "at least six posts a month" goal. I created this blog for two reasons. Firstly, so that I'll have something to do when I'm bored. Amazingly, I'm no longer bored when I'm on the computer. In fact, I now have an overload of awesome games I want to play. Case in point Deus Ex, which, after three ( or more ) weeks, I have still yet to complete. And there's still Team Fortress 2, and although my skills now tend to fluctuate wildly, on the whole it's still a hugely satisfying experience. And Jia Min has it now. Which means I can own him. The next reason was basically so I could read it when I'm older, and then smugly comment on how I'd "moved on since then" and nostalgically read about my highschool misadventures.

Uhh... maybe not. Anyway, my point ( if I do have one at all ) is that I don't want this blog to die. The internet is positively jammed with blogs of people who started a blog because it was "cool" *vomit* at the time, and then abandoned it because they got lazy. And although hardly anyone reads this ( and I don't blame them - I've stuck strictly with a "no pictures at all" rule; thus making this all look like a random mess of words ), I started it, and I'm gonna finish this. Although you can't technically "finish" a blog. Oh and exams are coming. *gulp* Godspeed.

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