Monday, October 26, 2009

Tagged by Brandon

Getting tagged is essentially a much quicker/easier way of typing a post, requiring little to no thought and/or imagination. And right now, I've just been tagged by Brandon ( actually it was quite a while ago but I just noticed ). You know what? I'm too lazy to do that, it's got 50 freaking questions. Hah! The first time you saw a post start with "Tagged by...." but not actually having anything to do with a tag. Anyway, exams! EGAD! Yesterday, History, and I must say it wasn't as tough as I expected. Well, only because after Pn. Margaret said it was going to be really hard I thought I was going to die on the table. Thankfully, I did not, and it was moderately hard. But the important thing is that it's all over now.

Geography, on the other hand, is not. But I'm pretty sure it won't be as mind-blowingly evil. In either case, the end is near. Not the end of the world, the end of exams! Which is like, the beginning of a new world, with freedom and stuff. Which is fun. Then I've got PMR next year. But I don't care! Cos' this'll be fun! Weeee! *cough* Anyway, just three more days...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Just Ridiculous

I've got a sneaking, lurking suspicion that exams might just be playing tricks on my mind. I've studied more for these exams than I can remember studying for a long, long time. It's rather amazing. Of course, me studying for a really long time constitutes to about half the amount of the time most of you are, and probably under a quarter of some freaks I know. But I still think it's messing with me. Case in point, yesterday night, after my first day of exams, I had a most ridiculous dream. It was sort of a cross between Warcraft ( more like Total War actually ) and Burger King. Basically, I was at Burger King ordering a well, burger.

However, at the some time, I was somehow playing some sort of strategy game involving tanks. Here's the trippy part: as parts of my burger were being assembled, I fought them with tanks. So I've got a hundred tanks blasting away at buns, patties, onions and tomatoes. When I ordered fries I fought fries. Something is clearly wrong with this dream. Anyways, the English paper was pretty good ( thank God ) and amazingly, I did have a faint idea of what potpourri was. Yay! So, all the best, and lets hold on to our sanity.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Going On

This'll just be a short compression of the things I have done this past holiday ( or as some of you know it, STUDY-days ), thankfully, not me of course. I strike a wonderful balance between hard work and fun; i.e. little work, lots of fun. Of course, the word 'little' is relative, and that was relative to the super crazy ultra studying book eating machines of my class. Of course, relative to my own desires, the amount I'm studying is incomprehensibly large ( half an hour to one hour a day ). Anyway, a couple of days ago, I went to A&W in an attempt to ruthlessly expliot their free Wi-Fi service for the cost of two root beers. As with all excellent plans, it failed, as the Wi-Fi was down.

Which isn't all bad, given that later I went to the cybercafe ( see that little work, lots of fun thing? ) to play Call of Duty: World at War. Although I'd be lying if I said it was in any amount deep or meaningful, I still like the part when everything exploded ( i.e. all the time ). So yeah. And yesterday was my mom's birthday, which meant going to 1 Utama, where I saw a computer gaming expo/competition, with a professional Counter-Strike team. For those of you who love gaming, it wasn't really as interesting as it seemed ( mainly because I counldn't play ) and for those who don't, it's about as boring as you think it is.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'll Take Yer in a Fight

It's coming... exams! Which means I am really, really bored. For those of you who share my pain ( all of you, unless you actually find studying a fun learning experience, in which case I would like to know what you're on ) I've found a delightfully stabby strategy game in Flash called 1066. It basically involves a lot of stabbing. And thinking. It's a rare creature. Plus, absolutely free. Google it. And for all you SA freakazoids who won't pick up TF2 cus it's not free, then try Battlefield Heroes, which is also free, and doesn't suck. *gasp*

Anyways, with my recent obsession with The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and all, I, being a blatant freeloader, have managed to read the first five ( or so ) chapters entirely in the store, all without paying a single cent. Which is fun. What I did pay money for, however, is the movie version. Which is OK so far. But the book, that's something else. You have to read it. Not in the way you have to read a History textbook, but more like the way you read the "HIGH VOLTAGE" sign before you touch wiring. In other words, essential.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I'm just too freaking lazy to write a post today. So, instead, I'm gonna show a video. Ladies and gentlemen, Wong Jun Kit; brought to you via the magic of YouTube. Enjoy.

Speaks ( screams ) for it self, really.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I've been pretty bored lately, ( with all that exams nonsense and stuff ) so I've been playing a couple of new games, watching a couple of new movies, and reading a couple of books. Ok, one book. Ok, one chapter from one book. Happy? Anyway, I've got Hitman: Blood Money, and all though the cutscenes and voices are all completely messed up, to say this game was about the characters would be a gross lie. It's about changing into a clown outfit, sneaking into a house, and releasing clown-based mayhem. Or something. And I think I'm gonna try playing Half-Life 2 for the third time, but this time I'm man enough to try it on "Normal" instead of "Easy". Cough.

As for movies, I've recently rewatched I AM LEGEND. Ok, it's not all caps, but it looks more dramatic like that. It's like, really good. That and Hellboy II: The Golden Army. It's about a red dude who saves the whatever from the inevitable yada yada. But it has explosions and fighting. Which is fun enough. And on the book section, I read the first chapter of Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy in Borders and now I really, really want to get it. And I read Reader's Digest. Whatever.