Saturday, October 17, 2009

Going On

This'll just be a short compression of the things I have done this past holiday ( or as some of you know it, STUDY-days ), thankfully, not me of course. I strike a wonderful balance between hard work and fun; i.e. little work, lots of fun. Of course, the word 'little' is relative, and that was relative to the super crazy ultra studying book eating machines of my class. Of course, relative to my own desires, the amount I'm studying is incomprehensibly large ( half an hour to one hour a day ). Anyway, a couple of days ago, I went to A&W in an attempt to ruthlessly expliot their free Wi-Fi service for the cost of two root beers. As with all excellent plans, it failed, as the Wi-Fi was down.

Which isn't all bad, given that later I went to the cybercafe ( see that little work, lots of fun thing? ) to play Call of Duty: World at War. Although I'd be lying if I said it was in any amount deep or meaningful, I still like the part when everything exploded ( i.e. all the time ). So yeah. And yesterday was my mom's birthday, which meant going to 1 Utama, where I saw a computer gaming expo/competition, with a professional Counter-Strike team. For those of you who love gaming, it wasn't really as interesting as it seemed ( mainly because I counldn't play ) and for those who don't, it's about as boring as you think it is.

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