Saturday, October 3, 2009


I've been pretty bored lately, ( with all that exams nonsense and stuff ) so I've been playing a couple of new games, watching a couple of new movies, and reading a couple of books. Ok, one book. Ok, one chapter from one book. Happy? Anyway, I've got Hitman: Blood Money, and all though the cutscenes and voices are all completely messed up, to say this game was about the characters would be a gross lie. It's about changing into a clown outfit, sneaking into a house, and releasing clown-based mayhem. Or something. And I think I'm gonna try playing Half-Life 2 for the third time, but this time I'm man enough to try it on "Normal" instead of "Easy". Cough.

As for movies, I've recently rewatched I AM LEGEND. Ok, it's not all caps, but it looks more dramatic like that. It's like, really good. That and Hellboy II: The Golden Army. It's about a red dude who saves the whatever from the inevitable yada yada. But it has explosions and fighting. Which is fun enough. And on the book section, I read the first chapter of Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy in Borders and now I really, really want to get it. And I read Reader's Digest. Whatever.

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