Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm On a Committee?

I'm actually supposed to be going to a CF Camp Committee meeting later, presumably to discuss what we're going to be doing for the camp next year. This strikes me as odd because a) I had never, ever previously known that I was ever in a committee for anything and b) because I'm possibly the worst choice to pick for a Camp Committee because I am practically the only Form 2 CF member who hasn't been to either camp. Not a single one. Anyway, that's just as well, because I can't go, thanks to the "no transport" reason, which sucks. This does seem kind of familiar. Probably because I was invited to something very similar earlier and couldn't go because of "no transport".

On the bright side, however, I'm going to Singapore next Wednesday. This probably seems like nothing to shout about but the fact is, believe it or not, I have never, ever been to Singapore. In fact, I've only ever been to two countries in my entire life, namely Malaysia and Australia ( although I did spend a good four years there ). Speaking of Australia, I'll be going there for a two week holiday next year, the first time in six years. Yay!

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