Friday, September 12, 2008

Lantern Festival

I had doubts about attending last night's lantern festival at my former primary school, SK Taman Megah. I eventually got convinced to go, and thankfully, I did. The night though, didn't start all too well. First, there was dinner. My mom had just bought a pie ( I like pie ) from urr... somewhere, and I well, ate it for dinner.

That's not the bad part. Pie is never the bad part. If pie was the bad part, then this world has gone very, very wrong. Like Sweeney Todd. The bad part was my tooth that had been loose for a full nine months. After a few bites into the pie, something happened. No, it didn't come out. It broke in half. Half of it was still attached to my mouth, and the other half almost found its way down my throat, were it not for me frantically digging it out.

After that, I had to pull out the rest of the tooth ( still quite firmly attached ) with my fingers. And not even that's the bad part. The bad part was the blood. All of the blood. I spat into the sink. There was blood. I spat again. More blood. I spat and I spat until the sink was covered with the stuff and I had to clean it off. Things didn't really improve from there. My mouth stubbornly refused to stop bleeding, like it was emo and had decided that slitting its wrists was the only way out.

The hole left behind kept bleeding and bleeding and I had swallowed so much blood it made me sick. This went on for about an hour until I guess it just ran out. With the sickening taste of blood still fresh in my mouth, Shaun came over to pick me up. When we reached the school, we ran around meeting up with old friends while simultaneously avoiding the less-than-sane Wee Han. We then met up with Andy, who eventually let me try out his makeshift candle and air freshener flamethrower.

It was something I had always wanted to do. And when I did it, it deeply satisfied the inner pyromaniac in me. Well, at least for now. I've just realized how boringly long this post is, so I'll cut things short. After we did that, ( or before, I can't really remember because of fatigue ) Vivek and I ( but mostly Vivek ) used Shaun's phone to publicly humiliate him and show urhh... bad things to Claudia, Amanda, Yue Teng and Mun Lee, though if I'm not mistaken, only Claudia got a good look at it ( as evidenced by her description of it later on ).

It all ended in a big snow-spray free-for-all near the main entrance. Glad i didn't miss it, and I'm definately coming next year...... with more flamethrowers.

P.S. I also saw Bob Rick and Johannen from CF there. What're the chances?

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