Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Good Week

This week was ( and still is ) a good week. By good, I mean like, not as boring as it could've been. Firstly, on Monday, Brandon and I went to a cyber-cafe for a four hour long sitting-in-front-of-a-lighted-box marathon. Which was good. Really, really good. After which, he came over to my house where he finally watched The Dark Knight on a DVD that I had just bought, which is the exact same way he ended up watching Transformers.

After some random crap-talking, we had about five hours of sleep followed promptly by a two hour Peggle marathon. After that, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about with Brandon's wrestling imitations ( which I bet all the chicks dig ) on Tuesdays. After a while, the matches sort of deteriorated into a competition to see who could sit on each other first. I won.

Better still, if all goes to plan, I'm going to go to Aaron's house tommorow to finish No More Heroes. It's been a good week.

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