Monday, September 15, 2008


As you may have realized by now, this blog thingy has become sort of a pet project to me, sort of an online time-eater that helps me get through my less... entertaining days. And, as you may know by now, it sucks. It would take something quite significant indeed to make me stop, something hopelessly addictive and relentlessly time-consuming. Something like... a new video game.

What game is it? Well, I'm not going to tell you. I won't tell you because even if I did, you wouldn't know it at all. How do I know that? It's because the average thirteen-year-old Malaysian boy obsessively plays one ( or all ) of the following, and plays almost nothing else: Runescape, Maple Story, and DotA. So telling you would be futile. Very futile indeed.

Anyway, back to the point, this new game ( which is not Runescape, Maple Story, or DotA; I hate all those ) will serve as my new time-eater. It probably won't stop me from blogging entirely, but it will reduce the frequency of posts. To those who always hated my blog, then rejoice! But, for those who liked it....... Wait... noone did.. So, I guess, rejoice, don't be emo, and put that knife down.

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