Thursday, November 20, 2008

Team Fortress 2

I've always wanted a game to come along, and consume my life such that I would need never feel bored so long as I was doing my favorite thing in my favorite place ( the upstairs hall ). Never again would I need to strain the intellectual centers of my mind trying to write insignificant posts in this feeble excuse for a blog. For once, I will have something better to do than this. And that something is obsessively playing Team Fortress 2 like I know you so obsessively play DotA.

Just one thing, one little niggling problem is stopping me from realizing this wonderful little fantasy. My astoundingly unstable computer that crashes at the very hint of me trying to launch a game. It's a special kind of torture, because I know that if I crash the computer enough times, I'll be able to play. The worst part is I don't know how many times I'll have to crash and restart it before it finally works. I could get lucky and it would work on the first try.

Other times, everything goes horribly wrong and it crashes fifteen times but still refuses to work. Which sucks. Really, really bad. The good news, however, is that tomorrow, my dad will finally bring this forsaken computer to the computer repair shop. After four and a half months. Fingers crossed.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Status Report, v2.0

I had a party yesterday. Not so much a party as a gathering, much like the one I had for my birthday. You know, the pathetic excuse for a party that just ends up as a Counter-Strike marathon. But here's the thing. Counter-Strike is fun. Random gatherings are fun. Foosball is fun and movies are fun. Thus, we had fun. I think. ( "we" refers to Jun Yee, Brandon, Shaun and myself. Members of the fairer sex are conspicuously absent, but 1. I doubt they'd enjoy playing Counter-Strike and 2. I doubt they'd come anyway. )

We also invited Lucas and Jia Min ( which makes my invite list identical to everyone that showed up to my birthday party. I did invite girls for my birthday, but all of them canceled. Conversely, every single boy invited came. Hmmm... ) but Lucas had to rely on Jia Min ( something that should never be done by the way,as he still owes me two bucks, yet denies it ) for transpot to 1 Utama, but Jia Min at the last freaking minute was left transport-less by somethingymabob.

Yeah oh well. Lucas has expressed interest in having another party, this time without said person that could not be relied on. Time for pointless statistics, then. During the Counter-Strike match, we started with Jun Yee and I versus Shaun and Brandon ( Mwahahahaha ). Needless to say, we beat them. Then, so they wouldn't cry ( Mwahahahahaha ), we started a new match, this time all four of us against sixteen bots. We won again, but what really matters are the final kill tallies. I led during the first round, but in the second the scores were:

Jun Yee - 141 ( because he kept KSing us with his Magnum Sniper Rifle ) Yours Truly - 136 ( only used Magnum once, by the way ) Shaun - not far behind, but I forgot the exact number ( never used Magnum like a good little boy and died the least among all of us ) and then Brandon, who got a sad little number somewhere along the lines of 75, and died the most. And there you have it. A "gathering". 'Til next time.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Orange Box

I haven't been posting for a while, partly due to glee, partly due to frustration and partly due to an infuriating internet connection problem ( grrr.. ). The glee, then. In an earlier post that I made that nobody read on this sad, sad little blog, I stated that if everything had gone according to plan ( my evil scheme for complete and utter world domination ) then I would buy The Orange Box that day, a compendium of gaming goodness costing 150 ringgit.

I did. Wee hee hee. Then, I played Half-Life 2 ( a part of The Orange Box ) and completed the entire thing in nine hours. Some of the best nine hours spent staring intently at a lighted box of my entire life. Then I played Team Fortress 2 ( also included in a certain box ), a multiplayer game this time, kinda like Soldier Front meets The Incredibles ( seriously, just check out the screenshots ) minus the suck. Another three hours down.

And then comes the frustration. Everything goes wrong. I mean, my computer always crashed, but usually, after one or two crashes it would work again. That time, when I wanted to continue my Team Fortress 2 antics, it crashed. And it crashed. And it crashed. About fifteen times in a row. I don't know about you, but I don't think that's normal. And just when things couldn't possibly get worse, in comes the infuriating internet connection problem.

So there, me sitting there, in front of the computer, trying to play a game meant crashing it, and the internet was inaccesible. And there I sat, for four hours, doing nothing but crashing it, hoping it would finally let up. It didn't. And now you know why I haven't posted. Thankfully now, my internet is back up and running ( as you can see ) and my dad finally made a call to the computer store about my games problem; the first progress we've made in four months.

Fingers crossed man. Oh yeah, and happy holidays, even though I haven't had much.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me?

Anyways, now that the exams are officially over, My freedom will officially begin. I've been feeling happier than I have in a long time ( no thanks to anger management classes ) but the fact that I'll be doing it all over again the next year, and the next year, and the next year and the next year, but only worse, keeps me from becoming too ecstatic. What is making me at least moderately ecstatic is my birthday present, belated one month and thirty-nine ( or so ) days.

If all goes to plan, ( it rarely does, but after the exams is the time of miracles, right? ) then tonight, when I go to 1 Utama, I'll finally get what I've been waiting for; a 150 ringgit original computer game ( the first I will ever buy.... legally ) called The Orange Box. It's actually more of an anthology of five loosely related ( but all really very good ) games, and has nothing to do with your citrus-y friends.

To you: yawn, the only games you've ever played are Counter-Strike, DotA, Runescape, Maple Story or something of the like; if you're a girl, none at all. But, in my nerdy world of nerdium, it's something for me to look forward to. That and us going to watch Quantum of Solace on Monday, followed promptly by a Counter-Strike marathon. Interactive and movie violence for the win!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Look at the Stars

It is quite odd, that something as mundane as a sunset, or looking at the stars at night ( if it's not fogged up ), something that happens everyday, can be so beautiful. I must say, everything seems more beautiful once the exams are over ( technically, I still have "Art", but I put inverted commas for a reason ). Yet we don't really appreciate it. It is true that you'll never know what you've got until it's gone.

No, the sun won't explode and the sky won't fall down, but the sky might be messed up with smoke and dust and shit so much so that you'll never see another sunset or never look at the stars again ( which is, technically, beginning to happen already; half the time the skies are so fogged up you can't even see the stars. And I bet sunsets would've looked even more purty in the past.) either due to pollution or due to the fact that because of pollution, all the crops are dying and you'll be on your deathbed. Ha.

I know I'm starting to sound like the last three chapters of your Geography textbook ( if you ever read them ) but I truly believe this is a problem ( which, I admit, I'm contributing to quite a bit ), mankind is the most powerful species in the world with computers ( yay ), nuclear bombs and whatnot, yet we're doing more than every other species combined to destroy it. And I think that's a bad thing.

P.S. Think of this as kind of a public service, and if you're reading this, you'll probably be the only one. My blog is kinda dying now these days.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


And now, as the poll draws to its close, and so does this unread blog inch toward its inevitable death, I'd like to observe a few things ( quite futilely, actually, considering no one ever comes here anymore ), the first being that more people voted "Can you repeat the question" than any other option. I have no idea how it would possibly help you now, but the bloody question is "Should I kill this blog!?!?!?", and I guess since more people voted "yes" than "no", I will. Slowly. Post your opinion in that box thingy if you ever give a damn. At least I outlasted Brandon.

The second thing I'd like to discuss is this Friday is Guy Fawkes Day ( or Guy Fawkes Night maybe ) and it's observation, or to put it more precisely, lack thereof. It is a day that is, quite ironically, forgotten by many, and not ever known by many more. Malaysia seems a country devoid of many holidays. Such include Easter and the recent Halloween season ( try to go trick-or-treating here and you'll probably get month-old nasi lemak. ) The only reason I ever knew about Guy Fawkes Day in the first place is because of V for Vendetta, a movie which if you haven't watched already you should absolutely try and watch now.

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason

Why the Gunpowder Treason

Should ever be forgot.