Thursday, November 20, 2008

Team Fortress 2

I've always wanted a game to come along, and consume my life such that I would need never feel bored so long as I was doing my favorite thing in my favorite place ( the upstairs hall ). Never again would I need to strain the intellectual centers of my mind trying to write insignificant posts in this feeble excuse for a blog. For once, I will have something better to do than this. And that something is obsessively playing Team Fortress 2 like I know you so obsessively play DotA.

Just one thing, one little niggling problem is stopping me from realizing this wonderful little fantasy. My astoundingly unstable computer that crashes at the very hint of me trying to launch a game. It's a special kind of torture, because I know that if I crash the computer enough times, I'll be able to play. The worst part is I don't know how many times I'll have to crash and restart it before it finally works. I could get lucky and it would work on the first try.

Other times, everything goes horribly wrong and it crashes fifteen times but still refuses to work. Which sucks. Really, really bad. The good news, however, is that tomorrow, my dad will finally bring this forsaken computer to the computer repair shop. After four and a half months. Fingers crossed.

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