Monday, November 17, 2008

Status Report, v2.0

I had a party yesterday. Not so much a party as a gathering, much like the one I had for my birthday. You know, the pathetic excuse for a party that just ends up as a Counter-Strike marathon. But here's the thing. Counter-Strike is fun. Random gatherings are fun. Foosball is fun and movies are fun. Thus, we had fun. I think. ( "we" refers to Jun Yee, Brandon, Shaun and myself. Members of the fairer sex are conspicuously absent, but 1. I doubt they'd enjoy playing Counter-Strike and 2. I doubt they'd come anyway. )

We also invited Lucas and Jia Min ( which makes my invite list identical to everyone that showed up to my birthday party. I did invite girls for my birthday, but all of them canceled. Conversely, every single boy invited came. Hmmm... ) but Lucas had to rely on Jia Min ( something that should never be done by the way,as he still owes me two bucks, yet denies it ) for transpot to 1 Utama, but Jia Min at the last freaking minute was left transport-less by somethingymabob.

Yeah oh well. Lucas has expressed interest in having another party, this time without said person that could not be relied on. Time for pointless statistics, then. During the Counter-Strike match, we started with Jun Yee and I versus Shaun and Brandon ( Mwahahahaha ). Needless to say, we beat them. Then, so they wouldn't cry ( Mwahahahahaha ), we started a new match, this time all four of us against sixteen bots. We won again, but what really matters are the final kill tallies. I led during the first round, but in the second the scores were:

Jun Yee - 141 ( because he kept KSing us with his Magnum Sniper Rifle ) Yours Truly - 136 ( only used Magnum once, by the way ) Shaun - not far behind, but I forgot the exact number ( never used Magnum like a good little boy and died the least among all of us ) and then Brandon, who got a sad little number somewhere along the lines of 75, and died the most. And there you have it. A "gathering". 'Til next time.

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