Sunday, November 2, 2008


And now, as the poll draws to its close, and so does this unread blog inch toward its inevitable death, I'd like to observe a few things ( quite futilely, actually, considering no one ever comes here anymore ), the first being that more people voted "Can you repeat the question" than any other option. I have no idea how it would possibly help you now, but the bloody question is "Should I kill this blog!?!?!?", and I guess since more people voted "yes" than "no", I will. Slowly. Post your opinion in that box thingy if you ever give a damn. At least I outlasted Brandon.

The second thing I'd like to discuss is this Friday is Guy Fawkes Day ( or Guy Fawkes Night maybe ) and it's observation, or to put it more precisely, lack thereof. It is a day that is, quite ironically, forgotten by many, and not ever known by many more. Malaysia seems a country devoid of many holidays. Such include Easter and the recent Halloween season ( try to go trick-or-treating here and you'll probably get month-old nasi lemak. ) The only reason I ever knew about Guy Fawkes Day in the first place is because of V for Vendetta, a movie which if you haven't watched already you should absolutely try and watch now.

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason

Why the Gunpowder Treason

Should ever be forgot.

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