Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Look at the Stars

It is quite odd, that something as mundane as a sunset, or looking at the stars at night ( if it's not fogged up ), something that happens everyday, can be so beautiful. I must say, everything seems more beautiful once the exams are over ( technically, I still have "Art", but I put inverted commas for a reason ). Yet we don't really appreciate it. It is true that you'll never know what you've got until it's gone.

No, the sun won't explode and the sky won't fall down, but the sky might be messed up with smoke and dust and shit so much so that you'll never see another sunset or never look at the stars again ( which is, technically, beginning to happen already; half the time the skies are so fogged up you can't even see the stars. And I bet sunsets would've looked even more purty in the past.) either due to pollution or due to the fact that because of pollution, all the crops are dying and you'll be on your deathbed. Ha.

I know I'm starting to sound like the last three chapters of your Geography textbook ( if you ever read them ) but I truly believe this is a problem ( which, I admit, I'm contributing to quite a bit ), mankind is the most powerful species in the world with computers ( yay ), nuclear bombs and whatnot, yet we're doing more than every other species combined to destroy it. And I think that's a bad thing.

P.S. Think of this as kind of a public service, and if you're reading this, you'll probably be the only one. My blog is kinda dying now these days.

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