Monday, August 31, 2009

Holidays, The Finale

Woot, dramatic title! It's so like, dramatic, man. I mean, finales are so awesome, and in accordance with the laws of awesomeness now, the holidays should have it's most exciting, dramatic moment right about... Now! Hmm... A tad underwhelming. Sigh. In fact, it is my duty to inform you that the holidays ( mine, at least ) end not with a bang, but with a whimper. That whimper being a big, long sigh. But fret not! For the next month there will be shorter school days! Which means I'll actually be home in time to watch The Simpsons. Like, you know, some real learning. Although after that there'll be some awful, awful exams, at least I had some fun.

Anyways, during the second half of the hols, I uhh... went to the park with Shaun, to er run around, but then it rained. Then on Saturday and Sunday Aaron came over and so I basically spent the whole time watching movies ( and Rowan Atkinson stand-up comedy ) and then playing Team Fortress 2 followed by watching videos of The Chaser's War on Everything ( funny ) on YouTube. It's been a fun ten days, but like all good things, whimper or not; it has to come to an end. *sob*

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Holidays, Half - Way

Half -way through my holidays. Which is nice. They've been pretty good to me so far, and I've even managed to get my KGT finished. Yes, it's dead! But like zombies, you never know when you're quite finished, so I'll keep a shotgun in my pocket ( somehow ) just in case it needs offing. Anyway, on Monday I went to Shaun's house to basically goof around. And goof around I did. One of the first activities we tried was to take his bear-soft toy thing ( named Bu-Bu, by the way ) and throw it at each other as hard as we could. Headshots were two points. It was amazingly fun, counsidering the simplicity. Next I played Crysis on his astoundingly buffed computer with everything set to High and with 8x AA.

On Wednesday, then, went to Elaine's house with Tze Kwang, Boon Kuan, Claudia, Esther and Jia Min to well, er, do Math work. Exciting, is it not? Anyway, we managed to squeeze some fun out of the whole deal, and later found some time to play an amazingly tiny match of football, followed by some odd penalty shootouts. Oh yeah, and Claudia spent a good two hours designing a house in The Sims 2. Right now, I should be going to school to help clean up, but I've got no transport. Hmm.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Status Report v3.0

Got a couple things to cover here, mainly, my birthday. It was quite fun. Didn't get splashed though, although I can't really say that's a bad thing. Got some gifts, among them being an apple, gummies, a bottle, a Planet Shakers CD, money, some cards and a mobile phone holder for my non-existant mobile phone. The day after my birthday, namely Saturday, was when I went to Yi Fen's party. Woot. We ate pizza, cake, played some games ( I won a PSP game by spamming every single control even though I had never used a PSP before ) went to the park and watched Scary Movie. The first five minutes, anyway.

After that, I spent a solid hour and a half doing my KGT. Oh, KGT. Sigh. Then of course, was my belated birthday dinner! Wee! My sister cooked burritos ( my favourite food in the world, by the way, and I've haven't eaten any since I got back from Australia ) and a chocolate cloud cake with whipped cream. On Sunday, I went ( again with five friends, and again with them all being boys ) to 1 Utama to basically kill time. Watched Aliens in the Attic then played foosball, pool, Counter-Strike and the arcade. Can't really write more now, I've gotta finish up my KGT. Then play Deus Ex. And Medieval II. Yes.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Today. Do you know what day it is? Why, it's a beautiful Friday, 14th of August! ( technically it'll say 13th August but that's a time-zone error ). More than that, it's also Pakistani independence day! Amazing, you say? There's more! It's also the birthday of Enzo Ferrari, the very founder of Ferrari! You know, the sports car that no one can afford. Oh wait, actually it's his death day. Oh well. And this day in 1969, British troops are sent to Northern Ireland. This day in 2007, the 2007 Kahtaniya bombings kill at least 400 people. I don't even know what that is! What is that!? As you can see, some stuff happened on this day.

Rather more significantly, though ( to me at least ), it's also my birthday! Woot! Happy Birthday to me! Anyways, I'm not really going to do anything today, other than get splashed, I suppose, but tomorrow I'll be going to Yi Fen's birthday party ( yes, I know ) followed by my own "party" on Sunday. Which will very much be a small affair. As in last year, none of the girls are coming. History repeats itself. At least, the annoying parts anyway. So yeah, and happy ( early ) birthday to Yi Fen too!

Sunday, August 9, 2009


"Woot" is now an official word in the English dictionary. Now, if you write it in your essays, teachers can't penalize you. Unless they're grumpy hags. Just so you know. Anyway, eighth August was The Grace Youth Conference. Woot! Ha! Which Brandon did not go to ( rawr ). Anyways, it was great, I took the Starter Kit workshop, then we had lunch ( chicken curry yum ) and then Pastor Henry spoke. Followed by a second workshop ( I took worship, you have three to choose from - or you would have had three to choose from if you went. Yes, you. ) Followed by tea ( which was really dinner - I don't know who eats noodles for tea ). Then there was the Night Rally, which predictably was at noght, where Pastor Daniel Ross spoke. You had to be there. But you weren't ( unless you're Benjamin, Joshua or Rufina ). But you're not. Anyways, to sum it up in one word: woot!

Anyway, we now come to the subject of my birthday. It is on Friday. More importantly though, my birthday party is on Saturday ( by the way, if you read this you're automatically invited ), but even more importantly, that's exactly the same day as Yi Fen's birthday party. This'll be awkward. As Han Jiang ( who apparently is being forced to go to Yi Fen's party ) explained to me on the phone last night, there are three possibilities.
1. We merge our parties in 1U or some restaurant in Aman Suria.
2. Everyone goes to Yi Fen's party and mine is crap.
3. Everyone goes to my party and Yi Fen kills me and I die.
The future seems bleak. A strange discussion awaits.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Deus Ex Machina

My Team Fortress 2 has been taking a back seat for quite a while now ( a while in my terms being 2-3 weeks ) because ArmA, the insane soldier sim, has been chipping away at it. Another game that I have begun to neglect recently is GRID, the super tough racing game I described earlier. Although it's a whopping ten gigabytes, however, I'm not quite sure I'm ready to delete it yet. That, and the fact that I only have an 80GB hard drive, explains why I have only 12GB left. But even ArmA may be eclipsed by a game I've just installed. It's called Deus Ex ( cookie if you know what it means and how to pronounce it ). It's a game where, in the tutorial, I managed to blow both my legs off. Needless to say: best tutorial ever.

Apart from that, on Sunday night, I went to Boon Kuan's house to "discuss" our History play about independence. By "discuss" I mean "play foosball" and by "independence" I mean "for one and a half hours". Which was fun. Although in the end we did complete some work ( I wrote one scene! ), it would've been a disaster, if not for Elaine who took it all back, filled in the holes, typed it all out, and printed it. Basically, did what we were meant to do all along.