Saturday, August 30, 2008

Independence Day

When I think of Independence Day, I think of Will Smith screwing aliens with his ridiculously amazing/lucky fighter pilot skills. But in the past few days, I have been forced to think of Independence Day as the day a small third world country rarely mentioned outside of talks about oil was left to its own devices by the British.

The reason I mention this of course, is because that country, is ours. Duh. I must admit though, that I've never really felt a sense of patriotism or support for my country as I have during my four year stay in Australia. No, I wasn't born there, I moved there when I was four because my dad, ( who formerly worked at Petronas ) had to go there for some kind of project.

At the beginning of year three, I returned to the small third world country I talked about earlier. I don't mean to be offensive *cough* but I'd much rather had continued my life there instead of here. I don't know what to say, but I just loved it there; and what I had left behind kinda just makes me sad thinking about it.

It's one of the few things that just makes me sad without making me pissed first. And you'll be hard pressed to find something else like that. Not to say that I'm emo though. I'm sort of emo because of a reason. Those retards ( again, no offense ) who choose constant depression as a sort of lifestyle and who'll paint any visible surface black and randomly cut themselves ( put the knife down... okay? ) and who don't even have a bloody reason for their facade of sadness are just plain weird.

Lastly, that little cartoon that I drew in the previous post ( with Microsoft Paint, no less! ) will become a semi-regular addition in some of my posts mainly to increase the length of it, and thus make me look smarter. *cough*

P.S. The background of this blog is black, not because I'm emo, but so it won't strain my eyes. Seriously.

P.P.S. I've managed to type so much crap today because I really can't do anything else ( read previous post ).

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Once Again, Bored

Hello. Hello I say, to the probably twelve or so people who have so far stumbled upon this mass of words a total of one hundred and ninety times ( so far ). Once again, I have been pushed to the brink of boredom, reason, and my sanity. And this is why I am posting. You don't expect me to write a post if I have something better to do, do you?

Several factors have contributed to this boredom. Actually, it's just one, really annoying one. My computer crashes every single time I try to run any sort of game. Which is..... annoying *twitch*. The following graphic shall display my situation.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Reminder

This post shall serve as nothing but a reminder. A reminder that, in case any of you forgot, that the first of September is Jun Yee's birthday. Yeah. Just keep that in mind when the big day comes. If there is one tiny little thing that you read on this miserable, pathetic excuse for a blog, just read the sentence in bold.

In other news, the United States has declared war on Russia and China. A nuclear strike-exchange has begun and all the cats in the world ( including yours ) will die horrible, horrible, horrible deaths. And I can fly. Actually I just made that up.

Lastly, I'd just like to say that Ji Xian, you have issues.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Killer Boredom

Two days ago, I was at my friend's house. There I watched Borat, a great although slightly disturbing movie. I also played Counter-Strike and read The Killing Joke ( a Batman comic book that explains the origins of the Joker ). But to me, the best part was No More Heroes, a game that we played on my friend's Wii.

No More Heroes follows the journey of a very badly named assassin out to kill ten other very badly named assassins in order to be ranked first by the United Assassin's Association's League of Hitmen. The combat was an utter gorefest, which made it more fulfilling than most games. I ended up playing it for eight hours straight. Too bad I had to leave just after completing the penultimate assassination.

Two days ago, I had fun. The same can't be said for yesterday, unless you happen to have a freaking boredom fetish. Let's recap what I did. I woke up, went downstairs, went upstairs and then lay on my bed for about an hour. Repeat steps two to four. And that's the most comprehensive assessment of the events that I experienced yesterday that I'm willing to give you. The point is, I was bored to tears.

Why you might ever care, I don't know. In fact, I know you probably don't. I'm going to the cybercafe ( for sure this time ) right after lunch with Shaun, so hopefully, history won't have to repeat itself.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Not Going After All

As I said yesterday, today I will be going to 1 Utama again to play Counter-Strike with my friends. I lied. Although technically, it's not a lie, because it wasn't intentional, as I only found out I was not going after I made that post. Man that was a long and confusing sentence. In other "news", I will be adding Lucas to my "friends" list because he gave me money at the arcade.

The reason I'm posting this as "news" is because I don't add someone unless they're close friends and they asked me to link them. This was true in the case of Shaun, but not so much for Brandon ( he logged in to my account and linked himself ). Other not so exciting and completely unnecessary updates to my blog will include well.... nothing. I'm not going to add anything else. I'm lazy.

Lastly, I was also quite annoyed at Lee Chong Wei's defeat last night. In fact, annoyed might not be apt so much as "utterly infuriated". *cough*

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Status Report

Yesterday, the "party" commenced. If I could sum it all up in one phrase, it would be "better than I expected". Wall.E was a pretty good movie and we kinda had fun in the cinema I guess. After that, we all went to the cybercafe, including Jia Min ( gasp! ) in which Jun Yee and I teamed up in a two versus four match of Counter-Strike against Brandon, Lucas, Jia Min and Shaun.

If I could sum up the match in one phrase, it would be "ownage". We also played foosball in which I also owned in a two versus one match. We also ended up going to the arcade too. And yes, none of the girls came *cough* and as Shaun said "no girls no fun". I found that to be a pretty odd statement though it was quite fun in the end ( as you can read in Shaun's blog ).

As for presents, the only present I did get was a thirty ringgit ang-pau from Jun Yee. Cherish also said she would stop by for five minutes just to hand me a present, but, as I said earlier, none of the girls came. I mean, what's wrong with me? ( besides the obvious ). After our ownage at the cybercafe, we went bowling, in which I wasted two bucks on a new pair of socks because I was wearing sandals at the time. It went pretty OK and I did manage to beat Lucas in the end. How, I'm not too sure.

Well, that's just about all for now. I'm going to church soon, and tomorrow I'm headed off to 1 Utama again for another round of C-S pwning.

P.S. Jia Min owes me RM14.50. Bring more money next time, OK?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

And I Feel Fine

It's the day after my birthday. And I left school yesterday... completely and utterly dry. It was a little anticlimactic but it sure beats drowning. It didn't work, Jun Yee. But on your birthday I will have sweet sweet revenge. On 1st September, you will drown.

Now I've got that out of my system, time for a change of subject. My prediction I made on the eleventh turned out to be half-true. Every single boy I invited confirmed, and yet every single girl canceled. Honestly though, I am not gay.

Yesterday, I also managed to pick my first lock. I've learned two things from the experience:
1) It's hard if you have crappy tools.
2) It's a great way to hurt your fingers.

Well, that's all for now. 1st September, man.

P.S. It says August 14th because I didn't set the time zone correctly.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A "Party"

I'm having a birthday "party" on the 16th of August, Saturday. The word "party" is in inverted commas because I have a strange feeling that it's going to be a complete and utter disaster. You'll be pleased to know that if I haven't already invited you, you don't need to come.

My feeling that this is going to suck started last year, during the end of year holidays. Brandon and I, bored as we were, decided to throw a random get-together at 1 Utama to watch a movie. Brandon ended up inviting around eight people, seven of which confirmed they were coming.

On the day immediately before, two or three of them canceled; which I thought wasn't too bad, I mean, we've still got four left, right? Wrong. On the morning right before we left, three more cancelled. So I guess it'll be me, Brandon and that one other person...

Wrong again. We went to the meeting location, and when she didn't show up for fifteen minutes, Brandon decided to give her a call. It was however, bloody freaking loud in there, so the call was reduced to a series of "huh?"s before finally hanging up. He called again. Same story.

He handed over the phone to me, and after twenty or thirty more "huh?"s, I discovered that she was still sleeping. I'd call that a pretty bad outcome. Every single person who had confirmed coming had subsequently canceled, and thus, made for a pretty lonely movie. I can only hope this turns out better.

P.S. No, Saturday is not my actual birthday, and no, I'm not telling you what it is.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Civics Presentation

Our Civics teacher, Cik Nordiana, seems to have a pretty bad grudge against our class. A few weeks ago, she decided to make us do a Civics presentation on.... Democracy. I mean, I'm all for democracy, you know, power to the people and all that crap, but it's just that.... politics is bloody freaking boring.

Since she had basically vowed to tear us apart with her bare hands had the presentation not be completed, I joined whatever group I could, and ( hold your breath! ) - I actually did some work. Even so, on the presentation day, which was yesterday, things didn't exactly go as planned.

The subtopic of democracy which I was given was the "features" ( can't think of a better word ) of the democratic system in our country. I found what I needed off the internet, and e-mailed it to a fellow group member to print for me.

But, alas, things don't always work out that well. Apparently, on the day itself, that member thought that the paper that he printed was his and not mine. Worse still, another group member did the exact same subtopic as me, and got it from the exact same website. In the end, I had to make up an impromptu speech right off my head on the meaning of democracy.

I think I did okay, but maybe I was talking too loud to hear the "boos".

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Comment on the Previous Post

The post I made yesterday is a little... incomplete. I couldn't finish it because Brandon threatened to poke me to death along with blackmail, among other things, if I did. This post may also be suddenly modified by Brandon considering the fact that he made this account for me and that I have no idea how to change my password ( if you know how, please post it in my chatbox ).

I've also been listening to the song Don't Wanna Miss a Thing a lot lately at Brandon's house, partly because of Blades of Glory ( a really, really good movie, by the way ). I listen to it when I'm sleepy.

Friday, August 1, 2008

KGT at Brandon's

Hello. I'm posting this from Brandon's house. As of such he will be silently monitoring my every move/word, probably regulating me from swearing about him and his dog. Oh, well. Anyway, he doesn't even want me to post this, but of course, if you are reading this right now, he's obviously failed. Anyway, the "reason" I went to Brandon's house was to finish up my KGT. As I have said before, I have finished some of it already, but that some was not actually that much *cough*nothing*cough*. I also came here to uhh..... do some other stuff, like playing Nuclear Eagle ( one of my favourite flash games ).