Thursday, August 7, 2008

Civics Presentation

Our Civics teacher, Cik Nordiana, seems to have a pretty bad grudge against our class. A few weeks ago, she decided to make us do a Civics presentation on.... Democracy. I mean, I'm all for democracy, you know, power to the people and all that crap, but it's just that.... politics is bloody freaking boring.

Since she had basically vowed to tear us apart with her bare hands had the presentation not be completed, I joined whatever group I could, and ( hold your breath! ) - I actually did some work. Even so, on the presentation day, which was yesterday, things didn't exactly go as planned.

The subtopic of democracy which I was given was the "features" ( can't think of a better word ) of the democratic system in our country. I found what I needed off the internet, and e-mailed it to a fellow group member to print for me.

But, alas, things don't always work out that well. Apparently, on the day itself, that member thought that the paper that he printed was his and not mine. Worse still, another group member did the exact same subtopic as me, and got it from the exact same website. In the end, I had to make up an impromptu speech right off my head on the meaning of democracy.

I think I did okay, but maybe I was talking too loud to hear the "boos".

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