Saturday, August 30, 2008

Independence Day

When I think of Independence Day, I think of Will Smith screwing aliens with his ridiculously amazing/lucky fighter pilot skills. But in the past few days, I have been forced to think of Independence Day as the day a small third world country rarely mentioned outside of talks about oil was left to its own devices by the British.

The reason I mention this of course, is because that country, is ours. Duh. I must admit though, that I've never really felt a sense of patriotism or support for my country as I have during my four year stay in Australia. No, I wasn't born there, I moved there when I was four because my dad, ( who formerly worked at Petronas ) had to go there for some kind of project.

At the beginning of year three, I returned to the small third world country I talked about earlier. I don't mean to be offensive *cough* but I'd much rather had continued my life there instead of here. I don't know what to say, but I just loved it there; and what I had left behind kinda just makes me sad thinking about it.

It's one of the few things that just makes me sad without making me pissed first. And you'll be hard pressed to find something else like that. Not to say that I'm emo though. I'm sort of emo because of a reason. Those retards ( again, no offense ) who choose constant depression as a sort of lifestyle and who'll paint any visible surface black and randomly cut themselves ( put the knife down... okay? ) and who don't even have a bloody reason for their facade of sadness are just plain weird.

Lastly, that little cartoon that I drew in the previous post ( with Microsoft Paint, no less! ) will become a semi-regular addition in some of my posts mainly to increase the length of it, and thus make me look smarter. *cough*

P.S. The background of this blog is black, not because I'm emo, but so it won't strain my eyes. Seriously.

P.P.S. I've managed to type so much crap today because I really can't do anything else ( read previous post ).

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