Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Once More Into The Breach

Exams, exams, exams. Oh what'll I bloody do with 'em? I'll have to live through them, pretend I care and survive every single grueling hour, minute and second. Sometimes you don't really have a choice. Well, actually, I do have a choice. I can flunk ( easy part ) all of my tests and go to a crap class next year where everyone flings shit ( hard part ).

It is now Thursday, October 30th ( contrary to what it says on the top, mainly because Brandon forgot to set up the time zone properly ) which means I have just finished my Geography, KH and half of Mathefreakingmatics. Lets see, two and a half down, more than I care to remember to go. It went okay, not good, not bad, but okay. And now I lie in wait for Moral ( ask me if I give a shit ) and BM, Paper 2 ( yes, I do ).

But, through the seemingly insurmountable horribleness of it all, I will have to go through this, fight through this, and survive... only to do it all over again next year. That's life for ya. All the best.

P.S. The poll is drawing to an end and the results ( I'll handily ignore the "Maybe" and "Can you repeat the question?" votes ) are two in favour of killing and one in favour of life. If you for some reason want this blog to continue, then post otherwise.

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