Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Some Explaining to Do

If you're reading this, than I think it's worth to note that this is the first post I have made in more than a couple of days. If you read this blog at all, you're either a) very lonely b) very bored or c) very prone to always typing in the wrong URL. Most of you have forgotten about this anomaly, but surprisingly, I stopped posting not because I was lazy, but due to two other things.

One would be me sending the computer to a computer fixing-ish place to get it to stop bluscreening whenever I freaking tried to run a game. Thankfully, that got fixed but right when I got the computer back the internet died. After a further uhhh... more days than I care to remember, it finally got fixed today, the problem being caused by inserting the wrong password. Sigh.

So, one might ask, what have I done these few holiday weeks, being free and all. Did I say, save the world, single-handedly create the solution to global warming or find a cure for cancer? Or even eat some ice-cream? No. Not as I recall anyway. Strangely, the lack of computer access has left my memory of this period sort of a blur.

Things I do remember, however include a delicious chocolate mousse dessert at Marche ( oh yes, oh yes please. ) along with a ridiculous amount of time spent in cybercafes ( I'm in one right now ). What I can't believe, however, is that the holidays are now already more than halfway over. Sighx10. Yeah well, Merry Christmas Happy New Year and uh, Happy Hanukkah?

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