Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Half Way Through

I'm currently sort of half way through my long-awaited and dare I say well deserved nine day Chinese New Year Holiday. It's kinda like being given a delicious, rich, creamy bar of The Best Chocolate Ever after being forced to eat dirt for a whole month. But with that comes concern. You know the feeling, you want to eat in one huge, immensely satisfying gulp, but then you know it'll soon be over, the smell of dirt still lingering around your nose.

It's kinda like that. The holidays are great, but they're being slowly eaten away like that chocolate bar, and before you know it, a week has passed. Or, to put it another way, you start with an innocent nibble of chocolate and before you know it you've eaten the whole bar, then emptied the fridge, the cupboard, the soft drink cans, followed by the fish in the aquarium, your family dog, your family and everything you hold dear. Accident, honest.

With that also comes the feeling of whether you're doing enough with your time, or in this case, the chocolate bar. You get the feeling of "maybe I could make it last longer if I melted it and spread it on something" of "maybe it'll taste better if I coat it with caramel" or "What if I spread this on the fish in the aquarium...". The same kinda goes here. It's the holidays and I really don't feel I've done much with them. I didn't go and visit my hometown ( although technically this is it ) and I can't go out with friends because they're at theirs.

Instead, here I am, right now, blogging. Yeah, alright. But you know what? I'm fine with that. Computer games all day, random phone calls to bewildered friends all night and even yeah - the occasional fifteen minutes to ramble metaphorically on this blog - that's where I belong.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Eagerly Awaited

As I stand here now ( or sit, probably ) I stand ( sit ) eagerly awaiting the holidays. These school days have been sort of nothing but a blur to me, albeit the most consuming and painful blur ever to have existed. The holidays ( one week - yay ) remind me that there is light at the end of this tunnel of repetition. But the sad fact remains that at the end of the light at the end of the tunnel is a larger, more diabolical tunnel. Eek.

Anyways, let's think about what I did during the week ( because the future is madness ). Monday I remember for that ill-prepared ( which basically means unprepared ) talk thingy ( okay, I made it up while I was saying it) that I gave during prayer meeting ( which we now are having every single day regardless of the presence of our leaders, hence the ill-prepared speech ). Tuesday was characterized by not having anything at all of specific importance occur on that day.

In fact, I can't remember a thing about that day, save for the Obama Presidential Inauguration ( at which point I was asleep ). Wednesday must have special mention, for sucking so profoundly. First off with my house practice in the morning, followed by school, in which there was "BM" class which basically involved the "teacher" giving us seven A4 pages worth of summary from some thingy and making us writing all of it down.

Which basically boils down to me as the most astonishingly boring teacher giving us the most appaulingly time-consuming and useless work in the histroy of forever. I didn't even learn a thing. It's amazing how much you can write without understanding a single thing you're wirting, especially when your hand sounds ( and feels ) like a cement mixer. I only remembered two words out of the 300 million or so that I wrote, and those were "meninggal dunia" which is basically what my hand felt like doing.

And then it rained like a crazed giant throwing up on us. Oh, yeah and I'm to do more tommorrow. Yippee ki yay. Here's to a better future, and less crap.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bright Side

So far, things in '09 have been going OK. Not good, not that bad, but OK. Not to say I actually like what's going on, but compared to what could've been, it's not that bad. Most of the school days, however are quite boring. Most of our time is spent copying notes and/or playing that flicky pencil game where you flick stuff with, uh, a pencil. Either that or Live, which has taken a turn for the disturbing ( and by disturbing, I mean hilarious ).

Besides that, I've just found out that the first year I join CF is also the year that they stop having meetings every week - alternate weeks just like every other bloody group. On the bright side, however, prayer meetings are now every single day, because I'll just go no matter what. On the dark, dark side, however, I have replacement classes tomorrow. Tomorrow is a Saturday. *twitch* A Saturday!

On the bright side of the dark, dark side, however is the fact that I believe there will be prayer meeting tomorrow as well. However, on the dark side of the dark, dark side is the other fact that there will also be a Scouts meeting tomorrow, because of which, I will have to go to school one hour earlier. And I think that's about all the sides I'm willing to share today ( phew! ).

Monday, January 12, 2009

Save Our Holidays

I'm getting increasingly bored of everything. As everything slowly falls back into routine, I realize just how much I depended on holidays to keep my sanity. I kinda go through phases every time a new school year starts. First, is probably denial. I try to tell myself that school is really far from starting, even on the day before ( coincidentally, the same phase I go through with late homework ). When school finally does start, I get nervous.

Filling out all the forms and remembering to pack my schoolbag and all that crap gets me all stressed out, like I am now. Next would be the infuriated phase. I remember that school actually gives homework, and that I haven't used my hand to write anything at all the whole holidays. I remember how much I absolutely loathe homework, and scramble to finish it all in school.

However, thanks to a homework-saturated start to the year, I'm going through phases two and three at the same time. The next phase would then be monotony. After a while, it all just becomes gray. You kinda lose the sense of variety in your life, and the sense that you're actually doing things with your life, instead of just slogging through it. But that doesn't mean I lose the infuriating phase. I'm still drowned in homework, but now it's been going on for so long as to make me bored as well.

So please, that's why we need the holidays. Not crappy one or two day breaks, only to be replaced by thrice their weight in extracurricular activities and replacement classes ( if it's being replaced how the heck can that be a holiday? ). I mean truly meaningful ones, where you can simply relax, unwind and remind yourself there's a reason to live, a reason to strive for that much more. I've heard Chinese New Year holidays will be just two days, and those two days will be replaced.

Seriously, are they trying to drive us all insane? Save our holidays.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Things Fall Apart

Okay, this is getting pretty bad. The first week of school was abysmal, maybe. Okay fine, tolerable, but I only say that because I haven't started cutting myself yet. Next, is sports practice and stuff, which, if last year's experience is anything to go by, will probably suck. A lot. Sigh. It's only been the first week and I already feel like I've been in the grind-cycle for months. The worst part is knowing what's to come - even more months.

Man, this is sucking. On the bright side, some of my teachers are nice, and the homework at this point is almost manageable, although if that's just the first week, I don't know what that'll say about the whole year. Gulp. Anyways, Form 2 is supposed to be the absolute best year of high school, so I'll try to enjoy it, but if I don't I scarcely dare to think of the horrors that are to come in the following years.

Anyways, got Far Cry 2 right before the week started, and I've really started to sink my teeth into it. Click the link if you want to know. On top of that, Company of Heroes and Team Fortress 2 are still as good as ever; blowing apart all Allied resistance with a Panther/Tiger/88mm Flak gun doesn't get old soon, although after one session of me feeling like the greatest player in the world as a Spy in Team Fortress 2, my skills started getting a little rusty.

Who knows, this may be a good year yet.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Return of the Grind

Oh yes, but the second day of school and I've already been drowned by all things homework-y. I feel the wall closing in. My freedom sucked away, slowly, but ever so surely. They also want me to read that stupid novel in one day's time. Screw that. When did it all go wrong? And it turns out Jun Yee isn't in my class thanks to some wonderful miscommunication. I'm starting to feel like a lemon that's been cut in half and is slowly being squeezed into oblivion.

Because of the above reasons, I heartily look forward to the holidays. It's like the lemon squeezer sparing the lemon. It's wonderful. But then, the squeezer picks up the lemon again and continues squeezing, as if the whole thing was just some kind of sick joke. But, amongst the piles and piles of crap, there is some good news. Number 1, I'm going to CF this year. Weee! No more Geography and History Club for me!

Number 2, I finally got Steam working again through some friendly forumers. Team Fortress 2 backstabbery, here I come! Speaking of which....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Here It Comes

The first day of 2009 has me in a reflective mood about all the things I did, I should've done, I never should've dared to do and what I should've done anything for in 2008. All in all, it was a good year, I survived quite nicely, avoided Twilight the best I could and murdered a minimum of my friends. Let's see... The year really kicked off quite badly. First, I was told they have a beggining-of-year exam as well ( that's like having a beggining-of-life burial ).

After that, I got plopped in Keruing, which wasn't really that bad, except the fact that 99% of the time Jivean and Jun Yee were dicks, although that was eventually fixed up ( bye, Jivean ). After which the nicest teachers I had ever had left, which just made me a bit uhmmm... twitchy. Next thing I remember was the Planet Shakers concert ( the first concert I'd ever been too - yeah I know ) which was good. Wee.

Somewhere around there as well was the Scouts Camp in school, the single most agonising school day of my entire life. I have enough regret to fill a whale aquarium, and drown the whale. Next thing I remember was the mid-year exams, which I really didn't care about at all. Even so, methinks I got satisfactory results, which was astounding, really. After that school became more... rushed as the End neared.

Next was pressure. A whole shitload. After studying for an amazing one hour a day ( yeah, I know ) I then learned that the top five classes are randomised. *twitch* Anyways, the school year then ended with a bang and three pizza slices, three Mammee Monsters, three Ferrerro Rochers and about 2 and a half cups of soft drink ( we were allowed exactly 1 of each ). Oh yeah, and before the exams was my birthday party, which was mysteriously missing all the girls I invited ( probably because my last one sucked ).

After the exams came another party which I had to end up organizing, but was fun anyway. Then punctuated throughout the holidays was 6 - 7 trips to the cybercafe with Shaun, Jezzey, and sometimes Brandon. Also during the hol's was the 2008 Grace Youth camp, which was at Peace Haven, Genting Highlands which was nice ( and cold! ). Looking down, I could actually see some sports cars drifting along the slopes.

Oh yeah, and Twilight. Oh dear. It has invaded practically every place in the world, and the infection is likely to spread. However, I rest in the fact that there are more firearms in the world than copies of Twilight that could ever be made, so, if the need arises, we could simply gun down all involved - I'm looking at you, society! By now, you've probably already stopped reading, so I'll just end with this. Hope you had a Happy New Year, and hope you survive 'till the next one.