Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Half Way Through

I'm currently sort of half way through my long-awaited and dare I say well deserved nine day Chinese New Year Holiday. It's kinda like being given a delicious, rich, creamy bar of The Best Chocolate Ever after being forced to eat dirt for a whole month. But with that comes concern. You know the feeling, you want to eat in one huge, immensely satisfying gulp, but then you know it'll soon be over, the smell of dirt still lingering around your nose.

It's kinda like that. The holidays are great, but they're being slowly eaten away like that chocolate bar, and before you know it, a week has passed. Or, to put it another way, you start with an innocent nibble of chocolate and before you know it you've eaten the whole bar, then emptied the fridge, the cupboard, the soft drink cans, followed by the fish in the aquarium, your family dog, your family and everything you hold dear. Accident, honest.

With that also comes the feeling of whether you're doing enough with your time, or in this case, the chocolate bar. You get the feeling of "maybe I could make it last longer if I melted it and spread it on something" of "maybe it'll taste better if I coat it with caramel" or "What if I spread this on the fish in the aquarium...". The same kinda goes here. It's the holidays and I really don't feel I've done much with them. I didn't go and visit my hometown ( although technically this is it ) and I can't go out with friends because they're at theirs.

Instead, here I am, right now, blogging. Yeah, alright. But you know what? I'm fine with that. Computer games all day, random phone calls to bewildered friends all night and even yeah - the occasional fifteen minutes to ramble metaphorically on this blog - that's where I belong.

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