Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bright Side

So far, things in '09 have been going OK. Not good, not that bad, but OK. Not to say I actually like what's going on, but compared to what could've been, it's not that bad. Most of the school days, however are quite boring. Most of our time is spent copying notes and/or playing that flicky pencil game where you flick stuff with, uh, a pencil. Either that or Live, which has taken a turn for the disturbing ( and by disturbing, I mean hilarious ).

Besides that, I've just found out that the first year I join CF is also the year that they stop having meetings every week - alternate weeks just like every other bloody group. On the bright side, however, prayer meetings are now every single day, because I'll just go no matter what. On the dark, dark side, however, I have replacement classes tomorrow. Tomorrow is a Saturday. *twitch* A Saturday!

On the bright side of the dark, dark side, however is the fact that I believe there will be prayer meeting tomorrow as well. However, on the dark side of the dark, dark side is the other fact that there will also be a Scouts meeting tomorrow, because of which, I will have to go to school one hour earlier. And I think that's about all the sides I'm willing to share today ( phew! ).

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