Monday, January 12, 2009

Save Our Holidays

I'm getting increasingly bored of everything. As everything slowly falls back into routine, I realize just how much I depended on holidays to keep my sanity. I kinda go through phases every time a new school year starts. First, is probably denial. I try to tell myself that school is really far from starting, even on the day before ( coincidentally, the same phase I go through with late homework ). When school finally does start, I get nervous.

Filling out all the forms and remembering to pack my schoolbag and all that crap gets me all stressed out, like I am now. Next would be the infuriated phase. I remember that school actually gives homework, and that I haven't used my hand to write anything at all the whole holidays. I remember how much I absolutely loathe homework, and scramble to finish it all in school.

However, thanks to a homework-saturated start to the year, I'm going through phases two and three at the same time. The next phase would then be monotony. After a while, it all just becomes gray. You kinda lose the sense of variety in your life, and the sense that you're actually doing things with your life, instead of just slogging through it. But that doesn't mean I lose the infuriating phase. I'm still drowned in homework, but now it's been going on for so long as to make me bored as well.

So please, that's why we need the holidays. Not crappy one or two day breaks, only to be replaced by thrice their weight in extracurricular activities and replacement classes ( if it's being replaced how the heck can that be a holiday? ). I mean truly meaningful ones, where you can simply relax, unwind and remind yourself there's a reason to live, a reason to strive for that much more. I've heard Chinese New Year holidays will be just two days, and those two days will be replaced.

Seriously, are they trying to drive us all insane? Save our holidays.

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