Monday, March 30, 2009

Hour of Earth

Yes, it is called Earth Hour but everything sounds more dramatic when it's "..... of .....". Case in point: root beer. Now, beer of root WaHa! I'll never go back to plain old boot reer ugh, root beer again. Anyways, back to the point, Earth Hour, yeah! To describe how it was; in a word: dark. In two words: very dark. In several more words: so dark that my eyes starting to hurt from messaging so I turned on a table light. Okay, okay I caved in, but at least I turned off most lights, right? I mean it's not like they're gonna turn of the lights in surgery rooms. Just sayin'.

Next up, finally got my results for stuff. Turns out I got 12th in class ( out of 44 ) and an 85% average ( it's actually 84.something but shut up ). It also turns out that I'm the highest placed in class to get a "C", that C being for BM, something I will shut up about right now. So yeah, besides the endless projects that I have to wade through and the wall of homework that has to be taken down brick by brick, that's what's been going on 'round here. Exciting, eh?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stuff Sucks

Oh how I hate projects. I always have. Last year's "KGT", the year before that; projects seem to stretch back as far as I can remember. And I'm only 13. What of the future? Shall I become an overworked stressball, condemned to a life of perpetual screaming and/or pulling my hair out? But enough of that, now I focus on what's at hand. And that is: History, the worst of them all, about 25-30 pages of doom, along with "evidence" that you actually did "research". Pfft. Next, Science. The one with the beans and stuff.

Funny story: we need two different sets of beans, so I put both outside. After two oddly uneventful days, one of them got blown away five feet by the wind and landed upside-down in the dirt. And then the beans got eaten by what I can only assume was the giant swarm of ants gathered around them. So then I replanted them, but now one set of beans was two days older than the other. Thus, I took out a third container, and planted more beans in there. And I put it indoors this time. Not taking any chances there. Oh wait, it's not funny, it's just a waste of time.

Next up, Civics. That's actually in a group, so I'm not too worried about that. Same goes for the English oral test which is in groups of 7. We're apparently gonna do a play which is some sort of spoof of random movies and screwed up so badly, people are either going to laugh or cry. Whatever, sorting everything out over the weekend anyway, so I don't really mind. All in all, it's been a stressful few weeks, but nothing that can't be solved by a TF2 marathon.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Slept over at Aaron's couple days ago. Had fun, as always. Firstly, his crazy-shit awesome new computer, on which we played Left 4 Dead, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Mirror's Edge and Burnout Paradise repeatedly. Oh yeah, and Boxhead, too. Other than that, also watched several episodes of QI, a game show where you score points for interesting answers to very hard questions, and lose points for being wrong, and at the same time pathetically obvious.

The only thing I did that wasn't computer related was read Watchmen, the comic which everyone says is the best comic ever written so I figured why not. It was pretty good except for the fact that I only had time to read 10 of the 12 chapters which only makes me want to read it more ( downloading the last 2 right now ). I also, apparently was 2 pages away from the beggining of the super awesome finale. Oh well.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Yes, Seriously

No, I didn't go for CF camp. In fact, CF camp is on right now, and I'm here, blogging, so that'll tell you plenty. I'll go next year. Don't ask. Whatever. In fact, right now I'm supposed to be at Aaron's house, possibly playing Left 4 Dead or reading what is apparently the greatest comic ever to grace the face of our planet, written by the same author as the one and only V for Vendetta, and that's none other than Watchmen. To tell you the truth, I have no idea what it's about other than that I know that guy with the seemingly unpronounceable name that starts with "R" looks cool.

Another thing, although I didn't end up going for CF camp, I did go to church on Sunday, and, oddly enough, ended up getting prayed for by Katy Perry's mom, who is a pastor, it seems. No, I'm not kidding. Wiki her or whatever. Seriously, I'm not kidding. Tze Kwang did an awesome job of not believing me when I told him, which was nice of him, by the way, so you don't have to. I'm serious. I'm more serious than that serious guy you met that you thought was so serious that the entire room might collapse into an inescapeable black hole of seriousness. Seriously.

I'm seriously serious. Oh well, I didn't think you'd believe me anyway. In other, less exciting news, I finally got the OMGWTFBBQ achievement in Team Fortress 2 whereby you kill an enemy with a taunt. Yes, a taunt. Suffice to say, it wasn't easy. If you want to know what taunting a person to death looks like, you could probably YouTube it. That's basically all for now, good luck with all your diabolical "History" projects.

P.S. Yes, I'm serious.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sad Situation

Yeah, another one of those annoying days. My computer, again, another problem; it's almost as if it has a quota of problems that it has to carelessly throw in my face every month or so - and yes, it only affects games that I play. Oh joy. Hopefully, however, it'll be fixed when I try it again later. The second annoying thing in this annoying day is my results. Just about everything I got was great ( 98% for Geography wee ) except of course, BM.

I doubt any other subject will have such a huge difference between its importance in my exams, and its importance in my life. To put it simply: importance in exams - high. Importance in my life - does it look like I care? I never, ever talk in BM, unless forced to at gunpoint. And you know, I'm thinking of moving to Australia in the distant future, so I never will. Yes, I still love Australia. You truly never know what you've got till it's gone, and I never knew how good school was In Australia till I realized how bad it could be here. Sighs for everyone.

And seriously, stop the freaking spamming Jun Yee/Lucas, seek help, and then never speak of this again. Oh yeah, and I've carefully managed to not tell you my BM marks. But I don't really care. So I got 63%. Ta-da! Now you know. Anyways, according to Tze Kwang ( is that how you spell it ? ), the average in my class was 56% anyway, so shut up.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

For Now

Several things have happened since my last post. For one the exams are over... for now. Didn't think it'd be that easy, eh? Well at least for now, I can relax, although I can't really say I wasn't relaxing before. Oh well, relaxing's always nice. I'm going to be stuck with exams for the next part of the foreseeable decade, so I better make the most of what relaxing time I can get - and it's only going to get more infrequent.

Next, then. I solved a Rubik's Cube. Finally! Although, I did refer to formulas every second, it still feels awfully satisfying, making for a great punch-the-air moment. So yeah. Yay. Next was I had the most chocolaty drink I have ever tasted in history. It's at the Chocolate Lounge and it's called Little Ms. Cocoa if I'm not mistaken. It's insanely rich. So much so that I think drinking an entire cup would make me sick. Considering how much chocolate I consume on a daily basis, that's an achievement unmatched in the history of Man. Weee.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Full Swing

The exams, as ( some ) of you may notice, are currently ongoing. I've rambled about why I hate exams and why exams are grossly ineffective before, so I won't repeat myself. Suffice it to say, I hate exams. But yet today ( Thursday, by the way ) I'm more optimistic than ever. Why? 1: The BM paper is over. I can't exactly say it was good, but it could've gone a lot worse. 2: I'm closer than ever before to the end of the exams, which will be around Friday the sixth of March, 2009 at 5.35 pm UTC/GMT +8 hours. Roughly. 3: The closer I am to the end of the exams, the closer I am to the holidays. Woot!

Plus, the time wizard that I am, I haven't let the scourge of the exams interrupt my Team Fortress 2 time by any noticeable amount. In fact, I'm getting a lot better - the fish is finally sharp ( cookie if anyone even read the post where I talked about that ). And with that, I'll be getting back to back-stabbery, rocket-launching, minigun-spinnin', sentry gunnin', pipe bombin' and all sorts of other "-in" words.