Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sad Situation

Yeah, another one of those annoying days. My computer, again, another problem; it's almost as if it has a quota of problems that it has to carelessly throw in my face every month or so - and yes, it only affects games that I play. Oh joy. Hopefully, however, it'll be fixed when I try it again later. The second annoying thing in this annoying day is my results. Just about everything I got was great ( 98% for Geography wee ) except of course, BM.

I doubt any other subject will have such a huge difference between its importance in my exams, and its importance in my life. To put it simply: importance in exams - high. Importance in my life - does it look like I care? I never, ever talk in BM, unless forced to at gunpoint. And you know, I'm thinking of moving to Australia in the distant future, so I never will. Yes, I still love Australia. You truly never know what you've got till it's gone, and I never knew how good school was In Australia till I realized how bad it could be here. Sighs for everyone.

And seriously, stop the freaking spamming Jun Yee/Lucas, seek help, and then never speak of this again. Oh yeah, and I've carefully managed to not tell you my BM marks. But I don't really care. So I got 63%. Ta-da! Now you know. Anyways, according to Tze Kwang ( is that how you spell it ? ), the average in my class was 56% anyway, so shut up.

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