Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Full Swing

The exams, as ( some ) of you may notice, are currently ongoing. I've rambled about why I hate exams and why exams are grossly ineffective before, so I won't repeat myself. Suffice it to say, I hate exams. But yet today ( Thursday, by the way ) I'm more optimistic than ever. Why? 1: The BM paper is over. I can't exactly say it was good, but it could've gone a lot worse. 2: I'm closer than ever before to the end of the exams, which will be around Friday the sixth of March, 2009 at 5.35 pm UTC/GMT +8 hours. Roughly. 3: The closer I am to the end of the exams, the closer I am to the holidays. Woot!

Plus, the time wizard that I am, I haven't let the scourge of the exams interrupt my Team Fortress 2 time by any noticeable amount. In fact, I'm getting a lot better - the fish is finally sharp ( cookie if anyone even read the post where I talked about that ). And with that, I'll be getting back to back-stabbery, rocket-launching, minigun-spinnin', sentry gunnin', pipe bombin' and all sorts of other "-in" words.

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