Sunday, May 31, 2009

Blah Blah Blah

There's stuff that happened, went to 1 Utama yesterday with Shaun and Jun Yee and basically wasted a heck of a lot of time ( c'mon, it's the holidays ) playing Counter-Strike, foosball, pool, eating at Subway, Burger King, and yelling at each other. Good times. Should try it again. Next up is I'm going to Penang tomorrow. Not really something that I really ever wanted to do ( I personally think that 5 hour bus rides are just about the most boring thing in existence ) but at least my cousin there has two computers, and I forsee a heck of a lot more time-wasting. I do that quite often.

Later, Shaun's coming to my house. Woots. Gonna do stuff I guess. And there's more too. Aaron's house during the weekend, footsall one of these days with Boon Kuan, a PA outing on another as-of-yet undisclosed date, and someone's secret birthday party surprise thingy. I suppose it's tecnically not secret if I mention it here, but noone reads this stuff anyway; as you can see, I'm writing with the consistency and elegant literary flow of a drunkard. Well I'm not drunk. Drunk with power maybe. By power I mean freedom. By freedom I mean wasting time. I bid you good day!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

It's All Over

It's all freaking over. It's finally gone. The exams, my friend, have come to a glorious end, paving the way for our unrestricted freedom, freedom so incredibly sweet I may go completely insane ( not that I wasn't already insane before ). Still, it shall be pure awesomeness, pure, unadulterated fun. Hmm. Actually that was all just a lie. Exams never end. It goes in a vicious cycle of exams - studies - exams - studies, etc. and when school is finally over ( I don't just mean holidays, I mean everything ) then the cycle still aint much different - work - project - work - project - paycheck - enduring yelling from boss.

But that doesn't mean we can't still enjoy the fun moments of this vicious cycle. Few they may be, but that's just ever more the reason to enjoy them that much more. So here, before me, are two weeks. And I shall do everything in my power to ensure that their concentrated awesomeness will be enough to last me all the way until the end-of-year exam. Failure will result in insanity. Well, at least more insanity. Anyways, if you're looking to kill time, two things I might suggest; the first, a game called Plants Vs Zombies.

In which you lay out an elaborate garden in order to halt a groaning, brain-hungry zombie horde. Yes. The second is a quite frankly awesome video based on a quite frankly awesome game, Team Fortress 2. It's sad that noone else in this school will pay for their games and thus I have practically noone that I know to play against. But whatever, watch this video and have a ridiculously happy holidays - you'll need it.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


This will be my only post from the middle of the exams. In case you haven't noticed, I've now started to post once every five days, which makes me wonder if anyone of you can ( or even want to ) read this, considering the odd timing. And on the subject of that, I've got my 888th page view. Is that lucky or something? Anyways, as for how the exams are going right now, they're alright. They've not been particularly good ( or bad ), but I think the definitive statement of wether they are will only come on results day, a day which is ( thankfully ) after our glorious two-week holiday.

Which brings me to the subject of what I'm most looking forward to right now. It's so close I can smell it, like, say, chocolate cake. But it's divided by a chasm of pain, frustration and ridiculous amounts of annoyingness. But it will be the greatest chocolate cake I've had in ages, and for that it'll be worth it. Almost. As for my computer schedule, the exams haven't really changed that much, at all. The only time when I really use the computer less is during the holidays, on account of the large amount of time I'll spend in the new house. So, to sum it all up, exams are OK, holidays are great, I still use the computer and I'm really bored now. Adios.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What's That Thing?

There's that thing you know, that's coming up - oh yeah, exams. Which is like, tomorrow. Although I must say that I'd rather spend my time thinking about what to do during the holidays than worrying like a madman ( which I have, mind you ). First off, probably going to 1 Utama some day with Jun Yee. Secondly, I'll try to arrange something with Shaun in the cybercafe, and hopefully Jezzey won't make an uninvited visit. I might also be going to Penang, but in all actuality I don't really want to. Beyond that, I don't really have any plans, save for the usual routine.

And that usual routine goes something like this: wake up, watch TV, brush teeth ( a tad late, I know ), eat lunch, watch more TV, if I'm in my old house then go online, then eat dinner ( see the progress? ), followed by uhmm - TV, then reading a newspaper or magazine or pamphlet or something followed by sleep. Rinse and repeat. I've gotta find stuff to do. Possibly a footsal match in there somewhere, or a trip to outer space. Or maybe Spain. I've always been fond of Paris, I just need the money; anyone interested in funding me, call 03-61575814. Now!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I want a stressball. You know those rubbery yellow balls that you squeeze like a madman until you're not stressed anymore? Yeah. Squeezing other stuff just isn't that satisfying. Squeezing books is boring. Squeezing rocks just hurts. Squeezing scissors really hurts. But really, it's the cause of all this stress that's really ticking me off - exams. Well, duh. The insane thing is that, I never used to a damn about stuff like this. Now I'm turning into a stressball, slowly accumulating stress and going insane. I did study though. A bit. But here I am blogging, so that should tell you plenty.

Ah, yesterday. Yesterday was fun. Six free periods were good. The first three were a tad anticlimactic, but the last three ( KH period ) were freaking awesome. Since it was only the boys, we decided to spend the time playing a game, which we did for almost one and a half hours. I won't go into details, but suffice to say it was astonishingly stupid and incredibly fun at the same time. If you want to know, ask Kylthur. Well, as for the exams, I guess all I have to say is all the best. So yeah, all the best, just think happy thoughts.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The World

The world is a funny place, seemingly forever hurtling towards its doom. Back in the middle ages, it was Black Death, then Spanish Flu and nuclear annihilation. But now comes the glorious mess up that is global warming. And like all poetic, tragic stories, we have no one to blame but mankind itself. Life's like that. Today, we have a name for record-breaking heat waves. It's called "summer". And in Malaysia, summer seems to have mercilessly stamped on any other season we might have had, and then spat on it in disgust. Suffice it to say, its hot here. And it isn't getting cooler any time soon.

But instead of telling you ways to stop global warming ( recycle crap, use less electricity, stop setting fire to things - you get the gist ), I'm going to tell you about what you should do, should you face a warm apocalypse. Sorta. First off, because of the insanely hot weather, going out will be a definite no. Try making yourself comfortable at home, possibly watch a couple of YouTube videos, Escape from City 17 and Half-Life: Full Life Consequences come to mind. If it gets hotter, prepare to loot stores for food ( or mobile phones and iPods ) when crops ultimately fail. Then, be prepared to eat your neighbours. You may want to practice now.

Eventually, try hijacking a submarine and prepare to spend the remainder of your life underwater, free from the sun's harmful rays. Remember, fishing from inside a submarine is not recommended. Flinging yourself into space may also work, although entertainment in Earth's orbit may be an issue. Try bringing a wireless laptop and hope there's Wi-Fi in space. Lastly, forget everything I just said, and you should be fine. While we're on the subject of doom, there's also the "economy". Because of the "economy" people seem to be losing money in the "sock exchange" or something. Everything about the "economy" seems to be bad, wonder which jerk invented it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Odd Things

Some odd things have been going on lately. First of which is the fact that my garbage hasn't been picked up in eleven freaking days. It's freaking ridiculous. Now, we have to cart down trash from my new house to my old house to get it picked up there. Yes, we're ferrying crap in our car. But I mean seriously, why won't they pick up the bloody rubbish? I can't possibly imagine how they would have something better to do, considering that is their job. Oh yeah, and it reeks. I'm not going out. For a long time.

Next, went to Boon Kuan's to play footsal on Labour Day ( no idea what that means ) and it was pretty darn fun, considering that was the first time I'd played footsal in years. Also, as evidenced by his fashionable new sling and inability to write, Jia Min ( who was the goalie ) got slammed in the hand by an ( apparently ) very fast ball. He then proceeded to spend the rest of the match crouching in the corner. He now has to write with his left hand ( I told him not to write anything at all, but he insists ) with suitably hilarious results. Bless.