Friday, June 12, 2009

Of Baking, Eating, Falling and Exploding

Whoa did so much stuff in the past couple of days. This is fun. Lets start with Tuesday, or Baking Day. We decided to go to Tze Kwangs house to bake a cake and some choco-balls ( Nanahoj ) for Johanan's birthday party the following day. It went great. Or at least, would've if I wasn't there. It seems my fears about baking were well founded. We started by making those choco-balls and almost immediately we realised we had burnt the chocolate. After an attempt to save it by drowning it with a large amount of milk, Tze Kwang abruptly realised that he had left out two major ingredients. Thus Brandon and Han Jiang ran all the way to Atria, and panic ensued.

Then, Alycia came, and by that time we were "done" with the choco-ball batter, so she started work on the cake. I decided to help. Which is exactly when I screwed up. Suffice it to say, I attempted to crack an egg into the mixing bowl ( which I have done before, mind you ), and it well, *ahem* exploded onto the table. Needless to say, I never touched anything again, instead preferring to back away and watch from a distance. Maybe that was for the best. Maybe, just maybe, it was the egg's fault. Shut up.

Next came the surprise party. Started at eight the next morning, which meant I was suitably lethargic by the time I got there. The moment I did, anyway, Alycia, being the wonderful, confidentiality-respecting person that she is, immediately proceeded to tell everyone about my awesome baking skills. And then she posted it on her blog. The party went pretty great, except for when, against my better judgement, I decided to eat one of my chocolate balls ( which are, by the way, infused with a less-than-healthy amount of sugar; Tze Kwang went a bit overboard ). I had a stomach ache for the remainder of the day. Not to say that noone liked it though, I know some people got high from the sugary overdose.

Then on Thursday, I went to Genting, the first time I went in the past five years. Where do I start? I know, I'll start with breakfast. For breakfast, we went to a local coffee house where there was a gas fire which looked pretty cool. Good thing we didn't all die. Next up, after the one-and-a-half hour drive to Genting, the first ride that I decided to go on was the Space Shot. Possibly not the wisest of choices, but it was stupidly fun all the same, with me laughing the entire time. I also, among other things, went on the Go-Karts, Flying Dragon, Cyclone and the Mine Train. By an amazing coincidence, I also met Amanda there, who had apparently gone with her family on the exact same day.

This is starting to become a really long post. So I'll finish it soon. On Friday, Shaun, Brandon and I went to the cybercafe ( no holiday is complete without one ) and spent a good four hours playing Call of Duty 4. All in all, it's been a great week, with hopefully more to come even when school starts. But I don't want to think about that. I'm in my happy place. Holidays forever!

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