Sunday, July 13, 2008

I Hate RPGs

As you might know by now, I hate many, many things. Might as well tell you more things that I passionately loathe, things that most others spend half their lives toiling on. First and foremost, is the RPG, or role-playing game, essentially a game where you play a role, learn skills, buy stuff and level up.

Now, for the hating bit. First of all this whole thing is retarded. People spend so much freaking time leveling up their character, finishing the quest they've unlocked and then leveling up again, stopping occasionally to kill a mushroom/zombie/knight/ghost/dragon/evil living toilet bowl. It's pointless. It's a waste of time. Yet people love it. I'll never understand people.

The only RPG I've ever spent a significant amount of time playing was Kingdom of Loathing and that was because it made fun of other RPGs and was actually a pretty good time-waster. But the others, Runescape, Maple Story, Cabal, and the bucket-load of similar games are all just crap. Seriously. The day I enjoy Maple Story is the day I swallow razor wire, pull it out my ass, and floss myself to death ( picture not included ).

P.S. I got 8 unique viewers. Darn.

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