Monday, December 29, 2008

And a Happy New Year

It is the 30th as I write this, and indeed the New Year is upon us. In fact, I like to think of today as New Year's Eve Eve. Yeah. So Happy New Year's Eve Eve, everyone. So yeah, was 2008 everything you thought it'd be? For me, I guess it kinda was, considering the fact that I didn't think it was going to be very good at all, with the Form 1 and the DJ thing. I'm also glad to announce that my expectations for 2009 are just as low.

At least then they'll have a higher chance of being met. Although now, I won't have to put up with a lousy pencil box anymore, I got a Wild Channel pencil box ( and a Body Glove schoolbag - woot! ) for Christmas. Yeah so, you'd think I'd have a lot to say on the Eve of the Eve of the New Year, but my usually filled-to-bursting-with-stupid-ideas mind is strangely empty on this day.

Hmmm... So let's look at what I did yesterday. I went to The Curve, oblivious that it was a public holiday ( did you know? ) and had to face the nightmare of parking on a public holiday right between Christmas and New Year's. Suffice to say, it wasn't easy. Oh yeah, and at 1.00 am, I finally got to watch the World War II movie Saving Private Ryan. I'd waited a long time for it ( like , six months ) and it was worth every blood splatter.

Well, yeah, that's all I really have to say for now. As far as I know, we're not doing anything spectacular on the big day, and this could very well be the last post for the year. Wow, Andrew actually made a blog, and it's lasting through the New Year? Yeah I'm surprised too.

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