Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Belated Christmas

This is my third post in a row with the words "Merry" and "Christmas" in the title. I'm just really into the Christmas spirit. And I'm too lazy to think of a better title. It's actually Boxing Day ( a sadly forgotten holiday by most of society ) today as I write ( or vomit ) this, but I'm pretty sure the date on top will show that it's the 25th. I never bothered setting the right timezone, but it does feel good to know that it's still Christmas somewhere. Merry Christmas, Somewhere.

Anyways, yesterday night my family and I went out for dinner. We wanted to go to 1 Utama to eat at Nando's as I said earlier, but about half of Malaysia decided to park there, so we went to the considerably less packed Giant store thingy at Kota Damansara ( Malaysia has the weirdest names for everything. ) We had Mexican food, which was pretty good, since I emptied about half a bottle of Tobasco sauce ( best sauce in the world, after Nando's ) onto my quesadillas ( hot! ).

All in all, a pretty good, though slightly-more-ordinary-than-I-expected Christmas. All we did was pretty much open the presents ( although that was quite good in itself - Spore! ) have a normal ( albeit slightly burnt ) lunch at home, go to Giant ( not exactly the must-go shopping mall this holiday season ) and then wish everyone a ridiculously Merry Christmas over MSN ( writing out "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" as large as you possibly can using the writing tool on MSN never gets old).

Yeah, but I guess almost anything we could have done would be slightly more ordinary than I expected, because I did expect quite a bit. Anyways, hope you had as much of a Merry Christmas as I did ( or more ), and, uh, Happy Boxing Day?

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