Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all, wa hahahahahahaha. I mean like, woo hee hee hoo haha. Um, alright, but seriously, Merry Christmas, and Christmas is indeed upon us, ( THREE DAYS! ) which is alright, but I can't help but think of the fact that school will be starting again ( I'm still in denial ) right after Christmas, so I'm going kinda nuts. It's like International Happiness day followed by your dog's funeral. And the funeral of all his puppy children.

Who all died mysteriously at a firing range. Which I was not at, and I did not paint bulls-eyes on them. Yes. Alright. But really, this whole thingamajiggy is giving me mixed emotions. GY Camp '08 was great ( gotta go for '09 - and I invite all humanity to go with me - although this message will probably reach around two or three people ) and I'm trying to enjoy the merriest day of the year, but all this school stuff is making it an ever-so-slightly bitter affair.

I mean, why? Why I tells ya? Well, I guess complaining won't change anything ( unless I complain enough to cause mind-control side-effects ) so I'll keep off that subject for now. On a lighter note, I made a bet with a friend, the details of which I am not at liberty to disclose. Just know that's between me and Shaun, that it's for one Ringgit ( although the real purpose is to make a point ) and know that once Shaun loses, I'd have made a very good point.

P.S. Brandon, I still haven't forgotten about our 5,000 Ringgit asteroid deal. 2014 is the year I buy a new computer.

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