Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Oh Wait, One More

Well, yeah it turns out that I'm in front of a computer once more, surfing the internet again, and although I said that my last post would probably be the last one of the year, I figured, what the heck? So yeah, one more last post before the New Year. It's the 31st today, and this whole New Year's thing has left me excited, and horrified. The excitement, then. I just found out that I'll be going to "Balau" class next year.

I'll share the class with ( as I know so far ) Boon Kuan, Claudia and Jun Yee ( we've always been in the same class since Year 5 - kinda odd ). Yeah, that's pretty good, considering "Balau" was the class I wanted all along ( not too nerdy, not too stupid - haha ) and with the friends I have there, it could've been a whole lot worse. So yeah, I guess I'm kinda relieved. Well, at least one thing'll go right.

Now, the horror. Form 2. Form 2. Oh dear sweet mercy. Oh, man. I mean like seriously! O.K. I mean, the textbooks, they're ridiculously heavy. And like, what the hell's up with those green notebooks? and uhmmm... deranged teachers! And uh I don't wanna go back to school!! No!!! Eh. Sigh. Oh well. I mean, this still could've gone a whole lot worse. I could be in Tropicana School right now ( and would be, if I didn't make an appeal ) and not really know anyone at all.

At least I know that if I'll be suffering, a minimum of three people that I know well will be suffering right alongside me. Yay. Anyways, on New Year's Eve, today, I'm gonna be - wait for it - going to a cybercafe. Yeah okay, but at least Shaun and Brandon'll be there, and I'll see it through that Brandon gets his ass overtly handed to him in Company of Heroes.

So I guess this really will be the last post of the year. For DJ students, I gues I'll see you next year for an entirely new chapter of pain. Oh yeah, and have a Happy New Year.

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