Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas, For Real

Yeah, the last post entitled "Merry Christmas" wasn't really done on Christmas Day, but that was because I never thought I would be able to blog on the day itself. Well, here I am. And let me just say to all humanity, and to some other stuff as well, Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahahahahah, Ahahahahaha!!! Uhmm... Yeah, now that I've gotten that out of my system, lets move on.

Firstly, we have the presents. Mmm, presents. I got ( from my two sisters ) a copy of Spore, a computer game, a book, t-shirts, a Wild Channel pencilbox, and a whole lot of chocolate, among other things. Also, on this most amazingly jolly of days, for the first time, I've been able to access the supermagical interwebs ( man, I love that word ), A.K.A., the Internet from my new house, which all this while has been devoid fo such wonders. Ah, yes.

Sadly though, this shall be but a temporary joy, because the wireless modem belongs to my sister's friend. Santa, I want the interwebs!!! Anyways, later we shall proceed merrily to 1 Utama for a nice family dinner ( unlike our lunch, which was quite burnt ) at Nando's, my favourite little restaurant in the world. Behind Chili's, ( is that how it's spelt? ) anyway.

This is all shaping up nicely. And, if everything goes absolutely, positively according to plan, I'll have one last get-together with Brandon, and hopefully others before being utterly consumed by the many-tendriled, homework-producing monster of Form 2. Oh no, Form 2! Oh man, the horror, the humanity! The holidays, over, so quickly!? But how? Where did it all go? Why am I asking so many questions?

Well, I guess I'll have to deal with it for now, probably with some sort of high-powered superweapon. By the way, we also made a really cute looking gingerbread house ( how cool is that? ). I'd upload pics, but I've sworn to make this blog as bland and boring as possible. Oh well. As for the day itself though, I haven't done much, besides the opening of presents, it's been a pretty ordinary day. But the spirit is there, which is what really matters, and I'm super-hyped to play Spore.

Anyways, I guess that's all I've to say right now, if you're reading this, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

P.S. Merry Christmas to Alycia. There, no more stangulations. ( wipes sweat off forehead ).

P.P.S. Merry Christmas to The World.

P.P.P.S. I know that's the third ( or was it fourth? ) time I've said that.

P.P.P.P.S. And a Happy New Year.

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