Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I now seem to be in what I can only describe as the aftermath of the holidays. Now you'd think that something that good wouldn't have any bad repercussions, but just as I said that the chocolate bar tastes sweeter than ever after a meal of dirt, so does the dirt tastes crappier, blander and more of a chore to have forced down your throat now that you've once again experienced the joy of tasting true greatness. I am, however, slowly sinking back into the grind, and the holidays will soon be a distant memory, drowned by incessant homework.

Oh well, I can always look forward to the next one. Some things have changed, however. I have never, ever been elected ( as far as I recall - which is hard to determine given how much my mind has decided to suppress ) for any position of any significant importance in any class. But now, it seems, thanks to Jagdev and 15 others ( how'd I get that many enemies? ), I am now the vice president of ICTL class, of all things. Oh well, at least I didn't become the president ( a title held by Elaine, meaning I can just push everything on her ).

And whatever. I also during the holidays had a Call of Duty 4 match with Jezzey ( *twitch* ), Der Cheng ( I think that's how you spell it ), Shaun and Brandon. I got second, but Jezzey cheated his ass off, then denied it, so that doesn't count. Next I also had a Team Fortress 2 marathon with Aaron and Jun Yee ( on the same day, by some freak coincidence ) which was OK, except for the fact that they kept screwing up the chatbox. I also bought Mirror's Edge, a game about free-running, or as some of you may know it, parkour. It hasn't been able to work so far, but I've been told to get new video drivers, which have just finished downloading. Adios.

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