Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Once More Into The Breach

Exams, exams, exams. Oh what'll I bloody do with 'em? I'll have to live through them, pretend I care and survive every single grueling hour, minute and second. Sometimes you don't really have a choice. Well, actually, I do have a choice. I can flunk ( easy part ) all of my tests and go to a crap class next year where everyone flings shit ( hard part ).

It is now Thursday, October 30th ( contrary to what it says on the top, mainly because Brandon forgot to set up the time zone properly ) which means I have just finished my Geography, KH and half of Mathefreakingmatics. Lets see, two and a half down, more than I care to remember to go. It went okay, not good, not bad, but okay. And now I lie in wait for Moral ( ask me if I give a shit ) and BM, Paper 2 ( yes, I do ).

But, through the seemingly insurmountable horribleness of it all, I will have to go through this, fight through this, and survive... only to do it all over again next year. That's life for ya. All the best.

P.S. The poll is drawing to an end and the results ( I'll handily ignore the "Maybe" and "Can you repeat the question?" votes ) are two in favour of killing and one in favour of life. If you for some reason want this blog to continue, then post otherwise.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Looking For Alaska?

I don't read much, aside from textbooks and school crap that I am obliged to, lest me lose my freedom to spend hours on the computer each day. But, a few months ago, I was introduced to a book known as Looking For Alaska. Alaska is the name of a person, by the way, and it tells the story of a boy, fascinated with famous last words who goes to a boarding school, bored with his life, searching for a "Great Perhaps".

I've never been one for good ( or even passable ) storytelling, so I'll refrain from blabbering more about it to the point where decide to stab me with a spork. What I must say, however, is that you should at least read some of this book, which I can, without much hesitation say is one of the best books I have ever read. Although I can't tell you that I've read a lot of books, trust me, it's really good.

Well I don't know. I have a long history of disagreeing with everyone, so whenever you next go to a bookshop ( if you ever stop playing DotA ) I suggest you find it, and at least read a few pages; if people can spend their time reading and re-reading Twilight then they sure as hell should be reading this. Other great works which I believe are underappreciated include V For Vendetta and Blood Diamond, but that's for another time.

P.S. Oh yeah, I'm having exams today...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

A Most Dastardly Cube

Yesterday, I went to The Curve. What I meant to do there was buy The Orange Box, a 150 ringgit computer game, which, also will mark the first time I ever payed money for an original video game ( no telling ). What I got instead was a fruitless forty minute search around the whole mall followed by me giving up. I also got a Rubik's Cube. I payed ten bucks for the thing, but the bloody cube should be free, considering the amount of pain it has ( and will ) cause me.

I don't have a very good history with the Rubik's Cube. The first time I ever truly attempted to solve one was when I went to Shaun's house for tuition. I saw it, borrowed it, tried solving it for two weeks and then cried ( on the inside, anyway ). I don't know about you, but I don't particularly like torture, much less paying for it. But I did anyway.

It's time for me to face my fear. I've already completed one side, which I know is about as close to finishing it as none, but still, it's better than nothing ( right ?). Anyways, I'm determined to see this through to the end. Failure is not an option.*

By the way, I also felt like posting this:

More can be found at
*Failure may be an option.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Nothing to Do

As the all-so-important ( yeah right ) end-of-year exams draw closer ( one week! ), oddly, instead of paying more attention in class and studying frantically at every sane ( and several insane ) opportunities, we have been paying less and less attention, doing less and less work, and ignoring more and more and more. Well, at least me and the people I usually spend time with.

The reason for this drop in productivity is not Live ( after some stuff happened it all got a little weird ) but it's those pencil-and-paper games where you take a pencil, draw some stuff, flick the pencil around, make pretend explosion noises with your mouth ( bchht! ) and draw blood absolutely everywhere.

So far, I count four separate games which use this formula. You've probably played at least one if you're reading this; unless you're a girl ( do girls even visit this blog? ) in which case you've probably played zero. Zero all productivity!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Deviant Art

Posting is getting seriously boring. Uhhhh. Or maybe it's just life. Oh well. Anyways, as I wait for the results of my *cough* life-changing poll to be finalized, ( vote, darn you, vote, or face the consequences of my continued posting! ) and for the next spam attack from Ji Xian I have decided to shamelessly advertise a bi-product of my somewhat misspent early primary school years on my blog.

That is of course, my Deviant Art page. Mwahahahaha. Contained within are more than a few comics ( hundreds ) all drawn in Microsoft Paint ( the most annoying drawing device known to man after using your own blood ) and all aproxiamately this .............. long. Yes, a complete waste of time, effort and virtual space ( as one user commented ) but it's also sprinkled with the occasional Flash animation.

Back during the days when I had waay too much time on my hands I spent a lot of it learning how to use Flash MX and making horrible flash animations ( now I spend my time making horrible blog posts ). If you want to, if anything, laugh at my voice acting for Nuclear War. The link to a house of horrors ( and boredom ) is - Yes, that is Hungry Jacks, McDonalds and KFC put together. No, don't ask why.

Friday, October 10, 2008


It's funny how something quite so small and insignificant can be thought of as so incredibly important by some, yet completely dismissed by others. My case in point, exams thought of as very, very important by a good portion of the schoolchildren of Malaysia and dismissed by well, me.

The exam that I am currently focusing on is the one that you will be going through quite soon indeed: the Form 1 end-of-year exams. Pft. I don't care. Why should you? I mean, yes, education is very ( twitch ) important and blah blah blah vomit gag cough but these aren't even very important exams. I mean, getting a job and your university degree I can understand, but these are your end-of-year exams for Form 1.

It's end-of-year, not end-of-the-world and it's not like you'll die if you fail. What I'm trying to say to those of you who sweat so much about this every day is chill. Relax. I mean, can you really honestly tell me that when you look back at this twenty years on you'll remember this exam as being one of the important, pivotal events in your life? If you can, then I don't ( or don't want to ) know you.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I just started studying for the end-of-year examinations two days ago, and I remember why I hated studying so much in the first place. It's the first time I've done any discernible amount of studying in three, maybe four, months. I'm not even studying that much, just about twenty to thirty minutes a day. On top of that, I don't even have any tuition ( yay ).

But I still hate it. Just like I hate sushi ( I don't really know why; probably because I was young and for some reason the smell made me want to throw up so I never really tried eating it again ). But yeah, I'm only going to have to study even more for what is mostly comprised of things that I probably wouldn't need at all were it not for the exams.

I don't go to school to get As, for fecks ( family-friendly f*ck! ) sake, I do it to learn the things that I need to learn. In that sense, Australian school wins hands-down.

P.S. Two people want me to repeat the question ( on the poll ), which makes me wonder why I put the bloody option there in the first place; the question is "Should I Kill This Blog???" you blind weirdos.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Daily Grind

Farewell, farewell I say to the this week of freedom that I have had, a good week, a very, very nice week which should, by the way, be the template for every week in existence. Farewell, and hello I say to the days ahead: twenty-five relentless days of studying ( well, I should be, anyway ) for a most diabolical creation/adaptation into the Malaysian school system ( I'm such a fan ) - exams.

It's not really like a "Hello! How are you?"; it's more of a "Hello! Why don't you get this stupid ( expletive ) thing over and done with before I go ( expletive ) insane and use a kitchen knife to stab everybody in the ( expletive ) school!" The reason I actually care is because currently, at the moment I do not have any tuition whatsoever. Which is nice. My antisocial mind deems it very nice indeed.

But if something goes wrong during the exams then I can look forward to ( dread ) many a tuition next year. Which is bad. My antisocial mind deems it very bad indeed. So I guess I'll actually have to study this year, unlike UPSR. Grind. The daily, hourly, minutely, secondly grind.

Friday, October 3, 2008


I mentioned in a previous post that I would be going to Aaron's house if things went according to plan. It kinda did. I also mentioned in a post I made a really long time ago that I had been to Aaron's house before, and when I was there, we played No More Heroes on his Wii but I had to leave right before the final mission.

Thankfully, he left my savegame intact, and I sorta picked up where I left off. In order to get money to complete the final assassination in the game, we decided to replay the same mission ad infinitium and ad naseum until we finally had one point five million ( in-game ) dollars. In the last hour of the game though, it seems the developers went absolutely batshit with the plot, turning it from strange to ludicrously nonsensical.

Besides that, I watched Heroes season three on Aaron's computer which unlike Lucas' unrivalled fanboyism, I thought was just OK. The last few hours at his house were spent in a less-than-healthy three hour Boxhead 2-Play marathon, a co-op game in which you have to defend yourself against wave after wave of mindless zombie attacks. With expert precision ( and to a certain extent, paranoia ) we constucted an elaborate system of mines and mazes walled with explosive barrels.

There were enough explosions to cause a seizure. You can play it for free here. I probably did a lot more stuff that I don't really remember now because of fatigue. Till next time, I guess?

P.S. My computer problem is still ongoing. If you want me to stop blogging, please contribute to the Fix Andrew's Computer Fund. Alternatively, you can vote.