Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Daily Grind

Farewell, farewell I say to the this week of freedom that I have had, a good week, a very, very nice week which should, by the way, be the template for every week in existence. Farewell, and hello I say to the days ahead: twenty-five relentless days of studying ( well, I should be, anyway ) for a most diabolical creation/adaptation into the Malaysian school system ( I'm such a fan ) - exams.

It's not really like a "Hello! How are you?"; it's more of a "Hello! Why don't you get this stupid ( expletive ) thing over and done with before I go ( expletive ) insane and use a kitchen knife to stab everybody in the ( expletive ) school!" The reason I actually care is because currently, at the moment I do not have any tuition whatsoever. Which is nice. My antisocial mind deems it very nice indeed.

But if something goes wrong during the exams then I can look forward to ( dread ) many a tuition next year. Which is bad. My antisocial mind deems it very bad indeed. So I guess I'll actually have to study this year, unlike UPSR. Grind. The daily, hourly, minutely, secondly grind.

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